My Scrolls

The Hesitancy of My Flock (18.10.12)

“The hesitancy of My flock is not a sign of confidence,

                                              is not a sign of well-being,

                                              is not a sign of boldness in the breeding of endeavour.

The hesitancy of My flock sees it with its testimonies unprepared,

                                                      with no prayer in mind,

                                                      with no thought of God,

                                                      with no witnessing of My grace within a life.

The hesitancy of My flock catches My flock unprepared with no good news upon their lips,

                                                                                           with their tongues stuck as if with a cleft palate,

                                                                                           with their vocal cords in disarray,

                                                                                           with their hands tied to their sides,

                                                                                           with a glaze upon their eyes,

                                                                                           with faces slowly turning red.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of the poor relationship with God,

                                                        of the lack of effort spent on friendship,

                                                        of the forsaking of first love,

                                                        of the dissolution of commitment,

                                                        of the wasting away of a life within the sight of God.

The hesitancy of My flock puts a pause before the start of every journey where God is thought to be,

                                  where understanding is so poor the thought I might be there within My temple is beyond the comprehension
                                                                                                                                                 or the level and the pattern of belief.

The hesitancy of My flock is serving Satan well,

                                            is speaking of his tenure for delay,

                                            is exemplifying the works of Satan instead of the works of God,

                                            is decrying resolution with the shouting of self-doubt,

                                            is disarming the word of God as My gospel questions are left to die in silence by a tongue too
                                                                                                                                                                                 scared to move.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of those who carry the fear of Satan:

                                                                                                 more than the fear of God.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of those put out of service:

                                                                                                 before they were wound up.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of those who march in time upon the spot:

                                                                                                 to never take a step.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of those who clap the others:

                                                                                                 yet never are deserving of the same response.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of those with cameras for the trivial who refuse to step aboard:

                                                                                                 to know not the photo libraries filled on distant shores with the
                                                                                                                          jewelled treasure for the treasure house of God.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of those who reach into their pockets to bring out only coins:

                                                                                                 never to participate in funding the building of My kingdom where
                                                                                                       the jewels are strewn for collecting and everywhere abounding.

The hesitancy of My flock speaks of worries galore burdening their backs,

                                           speaks of mountains expanding around which they choose to trudge,

                                           speaks of souls not opening My books for learning which were established at great price.

For as My church was – so My martyrs were.

For as My church has grown – so have My martyrs spread.

For as My church is – so My martyrs are.

For as My church is to be – so My martyrs will attend.

For as the blood of My martyrs is shed so such is valued highly beyond the graves –

                                                                                                        of those who join unto the cross.”


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