My Scrolls

The Holdings of The Lord (21.9.12)

“The holdings of The Lord are shared in order to become the holdings of man.

The holdings of The Lord are the sacred elements of God,

                                          are the sacrosanct and the holy,

                                          are the foundations of His wisdom,

                                          are the framework for a structured life by man,

                                          are the objectives for achievement,

                                          are the signposts marking progress,

                                          are the affirmations of The God of man.

The holdings of The Lord are discrete and upheld,

                                           are inviolate and distinct,

                                           are vigorous and challenging.

The holdings of The Lord portray specific aspects of the character of God:

                                                                  those which are in time with man,

                                                                  those which stand in proclamation before man,

                                                                  those which man must adopt to be considered for the joining of the family of God.

The holdings of The Lord consolidate wisdom within man,

                                          consolidate predictable behaviour,

                                          consolidate the sense of right and wrong,

                                          consolidate the conscience as ascribed to man,

                                          consolidate the common sense of man in order to avoid the dead-fall traps:

                                                                                                                 set and hidden by his foe.

The holdings of The Lord stand the test of time,

                                          are independent of encountered cultures,

                                          are not improved by amendments brought by man,

                                          stand supreme in articulating the welfare presence of man.

The holdings of The Lord do not cycle and encroach,

                                          stand upright without support,

                                          are the targets for the intellect,

                                          are the targets of abhorrence to the despots and the dictators:

                                                                                         to the evil and the selfish;

                                                                                         to the devoid of pity and of mercy;

                                                                                         to the absentees from grace;

                                                                                         to the absconders from the law and justice.

The holdings of The Lord chaperone the gifting of freewill,

                                                            the responsibility of freewill within the kingdom,

                                                            the accountability of freewill within the time of preparation for the adherents of the bride.

The holdings of The Lord bring gratitude for guidance,

                                          bring thankfulness for the staking of the boundaries of behaviour before man,

                                          bring reluctance out into the open,

                                          bring waywardness into the field of loneliness,

                                          bring the causes of premature mourning before the courts of appeal.

The holdings of The Lord know the lip service of man,

                                          know the storing on a shelf well out of daily reach,

                                          know the unfamiliarity of man with the adeptness borne of practice,

                                          know the passing of the days with progress stalled or missing.

The holdings of The Lord hear the jokes of man at the expense of God,

                                          hear the frivolous and the unrestrained spoken without fear –

                                                                                                      brought forth without wisdom –

                                                                                                      sourced into existence:

                                                                                                             in what will prove to be the later regret of man.

The holdings of The Lord have been disclosed to man,

                                          are found within My word,

                                          are present as the law in the absence of grace,

                                          have the covering of grace in the absence of the law.

The holdings of The Lord are not confusing or misleading,

                                          are the decrees for righteous living,

                                          are the governors of relationships,

                                          are the impellers of progress to a goal of victory.

The holdings of The Lord watch man in his worldly walk;

                                                             without the will for association with the source of wisdom;

                                                             destined for his own defeat in an uncouth shell.

The holdings of The Lord are freely offered and attained,

                                          are wisely accepted and retained,

                                          are extremely healthy for the body soul and spirit of man in his mortality –

                                                                                                                                  have impact on his being.”


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