My Scrolls

The Lacerations of God (12.10.12)

“The lacerations of God were extreme,

                                       were carried out with enthusiasm for the task,

                                       were compounded by the blasphemy,

                                       were present for the vinegar of man.

The lacerations of God were imposed with hate,

                                      were imposed with mercy absent from the scene,

                                      were imposed by My people of the covenant of the law.

The lacerations of God signed the unwillingness of My people to accept The Saviour as foretold,

                                            to perceive the present of My people built upon their past,

                                            to perceive the present of My people pointing to their future –

                               in the unfolding of the way upon the cross as a lead-in to the company of God.

The lacerations of God left the open scars of man –

                                               inflicted by My people –

                                                       upon the healing heart of God.

The lacerations of God let My blood drop upon the dust of sin:

                                                               in which I had written of such to The Father in the absence of the stones.

The lacerations of God introduced the worse to come,

                                      introduced the best to come;

                                      increased the mountain to be climbed,

                                      increased the pain of bearing the escalating sins.

The lacerations of God were felt by The Holy Spirit with The Father in the presence of The Son,

                                      were felt in all their agony by The Three-In-One;

                                      were felt with all the weight accumulating,

                                      were felt until the deed was followed to completion by the sunrise with an empty tomb.

The lacerations of God broke the chains of law preventing reconciliation,

                                      ended the age of retribution under the covenant in force,

                                      brought the birthing of forgiveness unto My people with grace upon the cross,

                                      opened the pathway for the gentiles to be as one with My people with their freewill declared,

                                      brought a new covenant into being for the returning home of the redeemed of God.

The lacerations of God speaks of a time now coming to fruition,

                                                  of the end-time fast approaching,

                                                  of a return occurring in its fulness,

                                                  of a promise made to man about to be redeemed by God.

The lacerations of God triggered the response of God to the price deemed due for sin,

                                      triggered a promised new beginning,

                                      triggered the promised onset of the presence of God in the fullness of time.

The lacerations of God initiate the ultimate gift from God to man:

                                                                 that found within His willing suffering for the sins of man.”


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