My Scrolls

The Pasture of God (20.10.12)

“The pasture of God is extensive and has the protection of the fence of truth.

The pasture of God receives the latter rains from the opening of the heavens.

The pasture of God thrives with streams flowing with the living water.

The pasture of God nurtures and nourishes all who feed contentedly,

                                                                      all who feed vigorously,

                                                                      all who feed ravenously,

                                                                      all who feed without stopping at the fall of night,

                                                                      all who feed proclaiming the location.

The pasture of God witnesses the falling of greater wisdom with the gaining of greater knowledge.

The pasture of God is cared for by My Spirit.

The pasture of God has The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil standing in the pasture for all to see.

The pasture of God has The Tree of Life standing firm beside the waters of life.

The pasture of God knows the tendencies of man:

                                            the tendencies as he browses the pasture in its entirety,

                                                                     as he crops the succulent and the preferred,

                                                                     as he leaves the stronger stalks alone,

                                                                     as he chews with understanding,

                                                                     as he lingers in the shade,

                                                                     as he hesitates to leave the pasture so to share the feeding grounds with the would-be sheep.

The pasture of God witnesses the tendency of man to linger in the shade under The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil –

                                                                recalling the ‘good’ deeds of man under the canopy of law.

The pasture of God witnesses the tendency of man not to linger in the shade of The Tree of Life –

                                                                recounting his testimony of life under the canopy of grace.

The pasture of God knows the ‘goodness’ of which man speaks lies within the strength of man, without recourse to God.

The pasture of God knows the testimonies of life recount the failings of man,

                                                                   puts reliance on the God of Love with gratitude for grace.

The pasture of God knows man is in love with ‘good’ and ‘goodness’,

                                                    has been taught such since the cradle,

                                                    has been aspired to by the parents of the generations,

                                                    has been targeted as a worthy trait to be instilled in every child:

                                                    has become the word of caution prior to outings,

                                                    has become the word of praise heard by every child –

                                                      each who comes to understanding of the ‘goodness’ of the parents.

        For as the approval is so received by the children deemed to be ‘good’ so the parents instil a misconception –

                                                                                       for only God is good;

                                                                                                        while man,

                                                                                                                    in his ignorance of God,

                                                                                                        is really only good-for-nothing.

        Beware of the family raising ‘kids’ who will become the goats through the power of the tongue!

The pasture of God knows the bounty and the promises arising from a tongue on which reposes the fear of God:

                                                          to qualify a promise within the future,

                                                          to avoid the tempting lies not qualifying as jokes,

                                                          to defer from use the ‘OMG’s in expressing life:

                                                                                                 where the last,

                                                                                                            which should be first,

                                                                      betrays the lacking of respect for God –

                                                                                in recording the blasphemy which needs erasing prior to the call of God,

                                                                                          prior to the calling of the grave.

The pasture of God feeds all who seek to grow,

                                feeds all who seek wise counsel,

                                feeds all who would be sheep,

                                feeds all committed to a course of honour leading into the presence of God.

The pasture of God is always green and pleasant to the taste,

                                is always full of nourishment for life,

                                is always at the forefront where deception would intrude.

The pasture of God guards and protects the discipleship of the saints of God.”


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