My Scrolls

The Presenting of Fire (7.10.12)

The Sea of Fire  The Fire of Heaven  The Fire of God

The Forest of Fire  The River of Fire  The Circle of Fire

The Sea of Fire

“The sea of fire presents My ships in passing to distant lands,

                          presents My ships readied and complete,

                          presents My ships ordered and circumspect.

The sea of fire presents My ships equipped and seaworthy,

                                                     furbished and bespoke,

                                                     active and involved.

The sea of fire presents My ships bold and resolute,

                                                      committed and traversing,

                                                      upholding and enjoying.

The sea of fire presents My ships before the wind,

                        presents My ships heading for safe harbour,

                        presents My ships inviting and discoursing,

                        presents My ships boarded by My Spirit,

                        presents My ships of fleets voyaging for My kingdom with cargoes for construction,

                                                                                            with cargoes of My word,

                                                                                            with cargoes of enlightenment,

                                                                                            with cargoes of Good News,

                                                                                            with cargoes filled with faith,

                                                                                            with cargoes destined for grace.

The sea of fire presents My ships ready to receive the gantries,

                                                      ready to disburse their contents,

                                                      ready for the welcomes on the foreign shores,

                                                      ready for the greetings from My friends in faith,

                                                      ready to apply the cargoes safely brought to land.

The sea of fire presents My ships fit and able for their tasks,

                                                      eager to fill-up and return,

                                                      eager to impart as the sea of fire invades the sea of change –

                                                                                                          from where idols are despatched.

The Fire of Heaven

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts in the end-time days,

                               presents My Spirit’s gifts in the presence of faith,

                               presents My Spirit’s gifts in the counselling of My servants’ ministering,

                                                                        in the absolution of immersion as My temple so arises,

                                                                        in the signing of the being of My Spirit in the life of man.

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts alighting on My temples in the making,

                                                                       alighting on My temples well secured,

                                                                       alighting by bestowal,

                                                                       alighting through prayer,

                                                                       alighting through the heart’s desire,

                                                                       alighting for the uplifting of The Name above All Names.

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts with wisdom and with thought,

                                                                        with love and with permanence,

                                                                        with faith implicit in a tasking,

                                                                        with completeness implicit in a calling,

                                                                        with support for My word in action,

                                                                        with insight for a life presenting.

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts for honouring and for highlighting,

                                                                       for knowing and for healing,

                                                                       for listening and for speaking,

                                                                       for vanquishing and for prayer.

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts for each new beginning in The Lord of love,

                                                                                       in The Lord of mastery,

                                                                                       in The Lord of righteousness.

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts upon an invitation with validity,

                                                                       upon the displaying of faith within sincerity,

                                                                       upon the laying on of hands familiar with impartation,

                                                                       upon the willingness to receive,

                                                                       upon the willingness to acknowledge,

                                                                       upon the sovereign fall of fire,

                                                                       upon the absence of a blockage which inhibits.

The fire of heaven presents My Spirit’s gifts with signs intimating the presence of God.

The Fire of God

The fire of God presents all within His kingdom as they walk the earth;

                          presents all unto His fire as they encroach upon forbidden land;

                          presents all unto His fire who care not where they go;

                          presents all unto His fire as they attempt to invade,

                                                                                       to capture,

                                                                                       to over-run,

                                                                                       to maim,

                                                                                       to destroy,

                                                                                       to subjugate:

                                                                                    the promised land with all who dwell therein;

                          presents all unto His fire on whom His wrath does fall;

                          presents all unto His fire under refining grace yet with entries on a slate.

The Fire of God presents the sovereign acts of God,

                           presents the firestorm of the harvest,

                           presents the fire in tribulation,

                           presents the storm of fire.

The Fire of God presents to protect and to cover,

                                         to dismay and to stampede,

                                         to turn and to scuttle:

                                                                 the antagonistic efforts of man.

The Fire of God presents to prevent unholy acquisition within the greed,

                                                                                         within the envy,

                                                                                         within the stealth,

                                                                                         within the deception,

                                                                                         within freewill released,

                                                                                         within the guise of Satan:

                                                                                as man presents his arms rattling for battle.

The Fire of God presents in His acts of vengeance,

                           presents in His acts against the denials of man,

                           presents in His acts before the defiance of man to the supremacy of His being,

                           presents in His acts of cleansing from all sin.

The Fire of God presents a vision to the eyes,

                           presents a vision to the senses,

                           presents a vision filled with fear,

                           presents a vision causing an about-face,

                           presents a vision taken as reality within the scope of man,

                           presents a vision of the flames across which man cannot go.

The Fire of God presents man in his foolishness who challenges the visions from God.

The Fire of God presents the boundaries which man with wisdom will not cross,

                           presents the activities supported by His Spirit,

                           presents the choice of participation to the freewill perception of man.

The Forest of Fire

The forest of fire presents My people standing as witnesses of the blood,

                                                             standing united as the fire front roars,

                                                             standing to the fore with the saplings behind,

                                                             standing against the gale of demons which would crush to flatten all before.

The forest of fire presents as a field of crosses upright and inflamed,

                            presents as a collective testimony of how sin brings forth the degrading of man,

                            presents as a new beginning being passed through by refining fire,

                            presents as a wind chorus of testimony of recovery made possible.

For as the forest is pruned so the forest burns more brightly.

For as the forest matures so it burns much longer.

For as the forest grows so it burns much hotter.

For as the forest is weeded so it burns more cleanly.

For as the forest breathes so it burns with spreading.

For as the forest dries so it burns more fiercely.

For as the forest dies so it burns to completion:

                                     ready for new plantings in the ashes,

                                     ready for new life appearing,

                                     ready for the rebirth of the flames of purity and faith,

                                     ready for the flow of time with vigour,

                                     ready for the standard of performance expected from a forest re-stored and again ablaze.

The forest of fire presents as being accustomed to the watering with grace.

The forest of fire presents in full commitment,

                            presents in self-sacrifice,

                            presents in surrendering all,

                            presents without regret,

                            presents in full magnificence,

                            presents with the signature of God written in the fire.

The forest of fire presents as a wonder to behold,

                            presents with unity of purpose,

                            presents with branches interlocked,

                            presents with seedlings being scattered to the winds,

                            presents with bowing to The Spirit’s wind,

                            presents within the will of God.

The River of Fire

The river of fire presents the flowing of the water of life from the source unto the thirsty,

                                                                                       from the source unto the fields of wheat,

                                                                                       from the source unto the rice grains of the harvest.

The river of fire presents upon the landscape of mankind,

                           presents upon the heart in circumcision,

                           presents within the spirit and the soul with knowledge based on fire,

                           presents within the body in conversion to a temple.

The river of fire presents the living water,

                           presents water like no other river carries,

                           presents water which lights the night,

                           presents water which confounds the night,

                           presents water which filters out the idols from a night,

                                                                              the idols from a day,

                                                                              the idols from a life.

The river of fire presents the quenching of the thirst of man for knowledge of his God,

                           presents as the river flows from the gateway of the temple,

                           presents as the river is lit by The Spirit of God,

                           presents as the river satisfies the thirst of man still searching for the way.

The river of fire presents continuously for sampling,

                           presents from an endless spring of life,

                           presents in great abundance,

                           presents in truth and love.

The river of fire presents in the absence of smoke,

                           presents in the absence of kindling once lit,

                           presents in the absence of combustion of a fuel of man.

The river of fire presents the fuelling of The Spirit of God.

The river of fire presents the fire floating on the water,

                           presents the fire with passion,

                           presents the fire with tenderness,

                           presents the fire with compassion,

                  presents the fire so the living water flows to nourish the thirsty stalks destined to be wheat,

                                                                                                                             destined to be rice,

                                                                                                                        destined to be the stalks of great value standing before The Lord.

The river of fire presents the living water to the ears of grain:

                           presents the good news to the recumbent and to the crumpled,

                                                                 to the bent and to the creased,

                                                                 to the downtrodden and to the waterlogged.

The river of fire presents the living water of good news to the green and to the brown,

                                                                                         to the wet and to the dusty,

                                                                                         to the strong and to the weak.

The river of fire presents the living water of The Holy Spirit to the rich and to the poor,

                                                                                        to the old and to the young,

                                                                                        to the earnest and to the lazy.

The river of fire presents the water cascading into eternal life,

                           presents the water of great change,

                           presents the water flowing on the pathways leading to the crops,

                           presents the water flowing in the terracing of the rice crop of The Lord.

The river of fire presents the answer to the quest of man searching for His Loving God;

                           presents the answer to the quest of God searching for His lost sheep,

                                                                                                            for His wheat within a drought,

                                                                                                            for His rice plant still needing water:

                                                                                                   for the plumping of His grains for gathering by His labourers in His fields.

The Circle of Fire

The circle of fire presents My saint standing in defiance of the devil’s undertakings.

The circle of fire presents My saint with power,

                                                         with authority,

                                                         with boldness,

                                                                     in the world at large.

The circle of fire presents My saint within the mantle of His calling,

                                                         within the mantle of His grace,

                                                         within the mantle due a living sacrifice.

The circle of fire presents the power of truth and of love,

                                          the power of the blood and of the testimony,

                                          the power of God upon His servant.

The circle of fire presents the encirclement of the love of God,

                            presents the moat around the temple,

                            presents the firewall of resistance.

The circle of fire presents the armouring for the saint of God,

                            presents the first line of defence,

                            presents the fire of The Spirit with protection for the temple of His indwelling,

                            presents a wall against which a battering ram does not work.

The circle of fire presents a vision to the beast,

                            presents a vision to the demons,

                            presents a vision to the imps.

The circle of fire presents a call to angels with the flaring of the flames,

                            presents a call to faith when attack is imminent,

                            presents a call to tongues when an inferno is required.

The circle of fire presents upon the approaching of the foe of man seized with ill intent.

The circle of fire presents in conjunction with the robustness of the spirit,

                                                                  with the commitment of the soul,

                                                                  with the degree of preparation of the temple.

The circle of fire presents when seeking idols for despatching,

                            presents when pursuing demons injurious to health,

                            presents when at loggerheads with Satan’s slaves with faith put to the test.

The circle of fire presents when triggered by assault,

                            presents when in the company of a lie,

                            presents when in the sound of blasphemy:

                            presents as the body signs at the birthing of the flames.

The circle of fire presents within the new covenant with God.”


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