My Scrolls

The Quest for Happiness (3.10.12)

“The quest for happiness needs a life of progress,

                                         requires the facilities for progress,

                                         seeks understanding of the goal.

The quest for happiness is attainable and joyous,

                                       brings peace from endless searching,

                                       brings realization of success at hand,

                                       imparts fulfilment to the heart.

The quest for happiness can be a lifelong ambition never realized,

                                       can be a driving force with success denied,

                                       can be the be-all and the end-all of existence,

                                       can be a trail traceable to the far-flung corners of the earth.

         Beware of never-ending quests which bring no satisfaction,

                                                                      carry no rewards for all the effort expended,

                                                                      are remindful of forever circling a mountain never climbed.

         The happiness of man is the fullness of contentment of the soul in partnership with the spirit and in health with the body.

The quest for happiness should not appear as a struggle to achieve,

                                                                     as a tiring chase of attempting to catch up,

                                                                     as a recipe for ingredients remaining slightly out of reach.

The quest for happiness does not bypass the onset of frustration,

                                       should not result in entering a zone of failure,

                                       will not be a partnership of flesh,

                                       can never be in the absence of God,

                                       can be sidetracked by the devil into a siding with no exit –

                                                                                                        where reverse remains unknown.

The quest for happiness should be the quest for wisdom in the application of freewill.

The quest for happiness can over-ride the devil’s flag –

                                                                           the black flag of death –

                  while freewill is not held captive by the habits of the body,

                                                                        by the addictions of the soul,

                                                                        by the love for needles as the enhancers of reactions by the spirit.

         Beware of the black flags of the world –

                                                                      which carry the devil’s markings on display in each disguise.

         Flee from the black claim to territory which only carries curses,

                                                                      which only inundates the head of man to drown in sorrow and despair.

         Flee from black areas where happiness knows no existence,

                                             where nothing there is helpful,

                                             where nothing speaks in truth of love,

                                             where nothing cares for anything except the greed for wealth,

                                             where nothing knows how to uplift from the perceived drudgery of life,

                                             where nothing prevails but the lies of man.

         Flee to the peace of righteousness.

         Flee to the home of gratitude.

         Flee to the outpouring of love.

         Flee to the presence of the truth.

         Flee to the fall of grace.

The quest for happiness terminates with God,

                                       opens up a new vista of belief,

                                       discovers a new purpose for each life,

                                       endows with the beauty of the ages,

                                       aligns with the wisdom arising from eternity.

The quest for happiness encounters the ways of God –

                                                                 for the ways of families –

                                                                                   in the way of time.”


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