My Scrolls

The Readying of The Bride (25.9.12)

“The readying of the bride is not a ready topic of conversation among the prospects for eternity,

                                            is not of undue concern to those who have a way to go,

                                            is not a matter of priority where the sunrise is seen as very repetitious.

The readying of the bride becomes more urgent by each day,

                                          needs to be marked by progress so matters of great importance can be recalled to mind,

                                          needs to have priorities raised in the thinking of the candidates,

                                          needs to be concerned in conforming with the discipleship of God,

                                          needs to be instilled with the fear of God,

                                          needs to be aware of the concerns of God for each within their walk.

The readying of the bride is filled with opportunities which are easily availed.

The readying of the bride should have each bank of memories installed as the basis of each testimony.

The readying of the bride has great need for the banking of the memories as the basis of My testimony of each before The Father.

The readying of the bride has the distinct possibility of unreadiness when readiness is most needed;

            of unreadiness after a lifetime spent in listening yet without the hearing of the message intended for the spirit and the soul;

            of unreadiness when the body is not motivated to transport the living water to where it is most needed.

The readying of the bride is for the bride-in-waiting with progress not apparent as contentment speaks of the prevailing status quo.

The readying of the bride is for the lamb who knows not what stance to assume.

The readying of the bride is for the sheep who know the rock on which they stand and the pastures green,

                                                                   who know the barren and the dry without the living water,

                                                                   who know the empty and the hungry awaiting nourishing in time.

The readying of the bride should be a daily process;

                                          should result in a relationship of growth;

                                          should be marked with jewels and testimonies;

                                          should be signed by willing servants rather than the speakers who say little of much interest –

                                                                                         either to the lost at large –

                                                                                               or to the sheep within the fold of God.

The readying of the bride ignored may see the bride-in-waiting being earthbound without a flight,

                                                                                                      being left without uplifting,

                                                                                                      being relegated to a place not fulfilling expectations,

                                                                                                      being without treasure in the storehouse,

                                                                                                      being witnessed as a goat,

                                                               being in My silence when My testimony to The Father should have been forthcoming –

                                                                                   in the presence of the ringing of the bells proclaiming extended life.

The readying of the bride unchallenged may see the bride-in-waiting remaining uninspired,

                                                           remaining as with eyes closed in a deckchair on a beach with the lost gathering all around,

                                                           remaining uncommitted to the very reason for My sacrifice with just lip service to the fore.

    For such as these are the sullen and the selfish yet paint their faces with the smiles of acquiescence.

    For such as these will escape as through the flames.

    For such as these walk the borderline of salvation –

                                                    where a trip or stumble can put them over in despair.

    For such as these should concentrate their days on becoming the mighty filled with valour for their God,

                                                                                                      the mighty in conviction for their God,

                                                                                                      the mighty in willing service for their God,

                                                                                                      the mighty with their testimonies of action for their God,

                                                                                                      the mighty in righteousness standing for their God.

    As such will the bride-in-waiting be active and employed with My taskings declared in time.”


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