My Scrolls

The Rhythm of The Saints (25.3.14)

“The rhythm of the saints is unknown to My church at large,

                                          is unknown to man’s branches of science interested in the telegraphy of messaging,

                                          is unknown but to the few who have experience of its existence –

                                                                                         to wonder aloud of that which they have encountered.

The rhythm of the saints,

         when described,

               brings disrepute upon the integrity of those who can describe it,

                                                                       of those who are intrigued,

                                                                       of those who immediately see the significance of what the sensing implies,

                                                                       of those who realize that this is the missing proof of God,

                                                                       of those who would waste their time trying to interpret the security of God.

The rhythm of the saints does not vie with the transmissions of man,

                                        does not interfere with the transmissions of man.

The rhythm of the saints has no need to eavesdrop on the transmissions of man,

                                        has no need of assistance from the transmissions of man,

                                        has no need to borrow techniques from the transmissions of man.

The rhythm of the saints is eternal and significant,

                                        is as a cloud-beat from the skies intended for those within creation,

                                        is a talking point to man which cannot be resolved without experience,

                                                                                which cannot be resolved with experience,

                                                                                which cannot be resolved by man within mortality:

                          as the basis can not be understood by the mortal mind prior to the gaining of the knowledge in eternity.

The rhythm of the saints has not been encountered in the laboratories of man:

                                        has neither been measured nor evaluated,

                                        can neither be turned off nor discovered by the machines of man,

                                        can neither be altered nor converted within the experiments of man.

The rhythm of the saints varies and sends,

                                        varies and receives;

                                        varies and queries,

                                        varies and confirms;

                                        varies and saves,

                                        varies and learns.

The rhythm of the saints has no extraneous pause introduced by distance:

                                        is immediate –

                                        is secure –

                                                as if standing face to face to not be overheard,

                                                                                          to not be lip-read,

                                                                                          to not be caught on the microphones of man,

                                                                                          to not be recorded –

                                                                                               from a narrow directed cast which is instantaneous –

                                                                                                                                    with mass not in attendance,

                                                                                                                                    neither to hinder nor to act as a brake.

The rhythm of the saints has no resemblance to light,

                                        has no speed requiring the presence of time,

                                        has no limitations imposed from intergalactic distances,

                                        has no static,

                                        has no fading,

                                        has no extraneous interruptions.

The rhythm of the saints is to be admired when witnessed,

                                        is to be admired for its efficiency,

                                        is to be admired for the foresight of God,

                                        is to be admired for its implications,

                                        is to be admired for its sanctity,

                                        is to be admired for its directness.

The rhythm of the saints carries the voice of God,

                                        carries the thought patterns of the Holy Spirit,

                                        carries the messages destined for God to read,

                                                                          destined for God to deliver access,

                                              as God shares His counsel and His wisdom in relationships built on truth in righteousness.

The rhythm of the saints carries the gift of tongues in use,

                                        carries the tongues of man as verbalized,

                                        carries the thoughts of man not verbalized,

                                        carries the directed prayers of man,

                                        carries the questions and the answers as qualified by My Spirit.

The rhythm of the saints remains unencrypted,

                                        is in a language with which man is unfamiliar,

                                        transmits continuously all facets of the existence of each spirit in its glove,

                                                                                                                   of each spirit in its house,

                                                                                                                   of each spirit in its temple.

The rhythm of the saints submits content to The Books of Heaven,

                                                                  to The Book of Life,

                                        submits content whose veracity cannot be doubted,

                                                                                                             is easily verified,

                                                                  whose context is always readily available,

                               which will prevail at the Judgment before The Great White Throne –

                                                                                                                   to which the multitudes are called;

                                                              at the Judgment Seat of Christ which the saints attend –

                                                                             for the evaluation and the receiving of their rewards within mortality.

So The Books are opened on request.

So The Books are opened when a review is requested.

So The Books are opened when a victim calls for mercy.

So The Book is opened in the presence of The Saints.

The rhythm of the saints is common to the multitudes:

                                        is common in its attributes;

                                        is common in its capabilities;

                                        is common in its accuracy in the maintenance of records.

The rhythm of the saints awaits those within the multitudes:

                                                                     who seek an entry in The Lamb’s Book of Life,

                                                                     who desire to see the records of The Books closed and sealed by grace,

                                                                     who desire to follow as a disciple of The Lord,

                                                                                                       as a companion of The Cross,

                                                                                                       as within the Family of God.

The rhythm of the saints is unmistakable evidence of God,

                                                       stemming from creation of each spirit child in waiting,

                                                       stemming from the instigating of a signalling means for contact with His children,

                                                       stemming from these end-time gifts of God,

                                                       stemming from the end-time disclosure of a mystery of God.

The rhythm of the saints cannot be misinterpreted,

                                        is heard without the aid of ears,

                                        is heard as a recurring beat which does not favour sleep,

                                        is not a throbbing of an artery or vein,

                                        is not a headache in the making,

                                        cannot be confused with the heart beats of man.

The rhythm of the saints exhibits a gentle beat near one third the rate of a resting heart;

                                        can be adjusted by God so it cannot be heard by man –

                                                                                                                       as the multitudes experience;

                                        can be heard by My Saints with a close relationship with God;

                                        can be hidden from a temple when requiring sleep.

The rhythm of the saints is affirmed by counting beats within the time of man,

                                                          with the uniqueness of variation in the consistency of the beat as the rhythm declares:

                                                                 both reception of the messages and the despatching of the records of the day –

                                                                                               those which bear upon eternity in the fulfilment of reward.

The rhythm of the saints is the guiding signal for the angels,

                                        declares the saint’s location within creation,

                                        identifies their standing before God,

                                        records the confessions of their mouths,

                                                     the secrets of their hearts,

                                                     their knowledge of sin present yet chosen to be ignored,

                                                     the immediacy of the preparation where purity enables being conjoined with The Bride of Christ.”

Scribal Note:
Bible (NKJV) 1 Co 15:46 'However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.'




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