My Scrolls

The Shadows of Man (19.12.13)

“The shadows of man are facets of the soul hidden behind the curtain of the soul.

       The curtain of the soul is rendered in twain when the spirit becomes the captain of the soul,

                                                                              when the spirit beings the shadows out into the sonlight,

                                                                              when the hidden facets of the soul are exposed to writhe and to wither in
                                                                                                                   the intensity of the sonlight.

The shadows of man vary in intensity;

                                   carry all the shades of grey from the sin mixtures of his days;

                                   are dissipated by the brightness of the sonlight –

                                                                                                                in the leading of The Spirit;

                                                         as all that surfaces from the soul is healed –

                                                                                                                in the process of repentance;

                                                         for the governing of the spirit with the acquiescent soul –

                                                                                                                in combination so to serve the temple of The Lord.

The shadows of man fade quickly into inactivity when encountering the faith of man,

                                   fade quickly from prominence within freewill when the lips commence due homage,

                                   fade back to the purity of white as angels erase the slate which lists the contributors of the many greys –

                                                                     those which if left untreated would discolour and disfigure a journey back to holiness.

The shadows of man can pressurize the soul of man;

                                  can set in action an explosion in the envelope –

                                                                     eventually to kill the spirit with imprisonment of the soul;

                                  can eternally separate man from his living God of love;

                                  can –

                                    in a moment of great wrath seal the fate of the destiny of default for each within his own freewill –

                                                                     from those enthroned in the grandeur of the castles –

                                                                     to those vying for survival in the slums of man:

                                                     where repentance remains a stranger as a blockage guards the entry to a shadowed soul.

The shadows of man should not be treated lightly;

                                   have consequences,

                                                     if untreated,

                                                                      leading to satanic victories;

                                   are fed by ears attuned to demonic counselling;

                                   are darkened by the vision of the eyes in a darkened room.

The shadows of man should be perceived and dealt with while it is today;

                                   should be uncovered and obliterated without prospect of recovery;

                                   are best when erased from inclination,

                                                when vanquished from temptation,

                                                when nailed upon the cross.

The shadows of man continually trouble man,

                                   disturb his seat of comfort,

                                   distance his feeling of well-being,

                                   bring regrets into his life,

                                   shore up the days of his procrastination,

                                   override fulfilment of the will of God,

                                   frustrate the tasking of The Lord.

The shadows of man are easily magnified into jet black silhouettes which follow every step.

The shadows of man are easily ignored as ‘white lies’ become endemic,

                                                                as blasphemy is watered by the tongue,

                                                                as dishonesty is discounted as both trivial and unimportant.

The presence of the shadows of man shall prevent him from being numbered amongst the bride of Christ.”


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