My Scrolls

The Variant Scriptures of My Word (10.10.12)

“The variant scriptures of My word are not always imposed by man,

                            in man’s quest for publishing translations,

                                                    for publishing interpretations,

                            in man’s quest for presenting with the copyright of man declared,

                            in man’s quest for presenting with the copyright of man held as unimpeachable.

Blessed is man of God when presenting with the copyright of man held in abeyance:

                                                  so working to enable the progressing of the word of God in action.

The variant scriptures of My word are sometimes approved by God –

                                                  when sought with holiness of intent for the purity of My word.

The variant scriptures of My word do not always have the purse of man in mind,

                                                        are sometimes resulting from particularity of belief,

                                                        are sometimes resulting from singularity of belief,

                                                        are sometimes resulting from non-singularity of belief,

                                                        are sometimes resulting from insularity of belief,

                                                        are sometimes the works of man suffering from delusions,

                                                        are sometimes the works of rogues bolstering support without due care:

                                                                impacting on that outside their goat pens wherein the biggest goat does reign.

The variant scriptures of My word are sometimes resulting from the management of man,

                                              from the politics of man at large,

                                              from the justification of man within his faith,

                                              from permissiveness at war with the avuncular of the faith they see as theirs to guard,

                                              from those in league with deviancy rewriting to disguise –

                                                                                                  to play with the compounding turn of phrase –

                                                                            which ravages through the impaling of My word –

                                                                                                  in shame which knocks upon the holy doors of God.

The variant scriptures of My word are for the greater understanding of man,

                                                        are for ensuring the progression of the comprehension of man:

                                                                                 either at a distance,

                                                                                 or in close proximity,

                          when the presenting of My word appeals to the witnessing by all the senses of man.

The variant scriptures of My word are not for selective use when confirming an interpretation in need of succouring,

                                                        are not for selective quoting with qualifying words omitted,

                                                        are not for use where the context is obscured,

                                                        are not for a fixed place on a bookshelf –

                                                                                                           sitting gathering dust.

The variant scriptures of My word should be alive and active in the preparing of My saints;

                                                        should be resolved in knowing the commonality of usage:

                         so all may follow in confirmation of the intent of speech –

                                                                                of the intent of reading to declare –

                                                                                of the fulfilling of the purpose in making known the historic word of God.

My word,

             in the thoroughness implicit in conveying the living word of God,

                     has certainty attaching to the deeds,

                     has certainty in growing the expanding end-time seeking of man,

                     has certainty of truth in My missives to My bride in preparation.”


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