My Scrolls

The Vestibule of God (26.3.14)

“The vestibule of God is a waiting place for man,

                                     is a waiting place of gathering,

                                     is a waiting place visited by God.

The vestibule of God is a place of sorting by the needs,

                                   is a place of gathering the senses,

                                   is a place of expanding the mind so to cope with input.

The vestibule of God sorts the like-minded from the disaffected,

                                                                      from the dissidents at large.

The vestibule of God careens the ships of state and all within the cabins,

                                   sorts the deck hands and the officers for validity of purpose,

                                                                                              for commitment to a journey,

                                                                                              for ability to navigate all entrusted to their care –

                                                                                                   for a journey through mortality to an assured destiny.

The vestibule of God sorts all upon the decks,

                                                             those with vacant stares set upon horizons,

                                                             those who ignore that which they are treading underfoot.

The vestibule of God can turn the ships of state onto new courses,

                                   can turn the ships around –

                                                                  as if released from a dry dock and readied to proceed,

                                   can invigorate with new visions:

                                                                  to set the silent chatting,

                                                                  to set the still a-dancing,

                                                                  to set the learned teaching,

                                                                  to set the hands to healing,

                                                                  to set the tongues to blessing,

                                                                  to set the water deadened to become enlivened,

                                                                  to set the living water flowing in the channels known to God.

The vestibule of God sets the ships of state each on a course of turbulence,

                                                                      to forsake the calm of cruising –

                                                                                                           both in wistfulness and in serenity –

                                                                                                 where nothing much is happening –

                                                                           just that the ships are quietly being emptied of their passengers –

                                                                                                                                               as if lost at sea.

The vestibule of God is as a watchtower which sees the spiritual turning to the secular,

                                                                 which sees the doors being quietly closed as the souls depart,

                                                                 which sees the merry-go-round,

                                                                                   the carousel,

                                                                                   the ferry-wheel,

                                                                          loading up with those submitting to a ride.

The vestibule of God needs to throw away the milk bottles –

                                                                                     which may as well be empty as be full,

                                   needs to position the roasting dishes with the meals of meat –

                                                                                     which prove popular as the appetites increase.

The vestibule of God should be an anteroom of busyness,

                                   should be an anteroom of preparation,

                                   should be an anteroom of sending,

                                   should be an anteroom filled with those who hunger:

                                                             to prevent the death knells of the spirits and the loneliness of the souls.

The vestibule of God is the anteroom where My spirit is equipping,

                                                             where My Spirit is uplifting,

                                                             where My Spirit is encouraging,

                                                             where boldness is to the fore.

The vestibule of God should be busy as the traffic comes and goes,

                                                            as the traffic hears and does,

                                                            as the traffic serves and witnesses –

                                                                                                        out beyond the vestibule of God.

The vestibule of God is surrounded by the plaintive souls,

                                                         by the captive spirits,

                                                         by the sickened flesh,

                                                         by the diseased bones,

                                                         by the blasphemous tongues,

                                                         by the idolatrous hearts.

The vestibule of God launches the known into the unknown,

                                   launches the answers into the questions,

                                   launches living water into the thirsting,

                                   launches grace into the sinning,

                                   launches faith into the rescue,

                                   launches hope into despair,

                                   launches truth into confusion.

The vestibule of God knows the life rafts as they float ashore,

                                                                  as they are tied up;

                                   knows the life boats with a crew which has no need to paddle,

                                                                                        which has no need to shout;

                                   knows the life vests tossed into the waiting arms which quickly don,

                                                                                                                 which quickly blow a whistle for attention;

                                   knows the ships of healing,

                                                              of restoration,

                                                              of recovery,

                                                              of replenishment,

                                                              of renewal,

                                                              of sustenance,

                                                              of needs:

                                                                       which cope with the emergencies of man.

The vestibule of God sees to the motor boats and yachts sent to break the curses –

                                                                                      so transfixing man;

                                   sees to the installing of the blessings –

                                                                                      so transforming man;

                                   sees to My Spirit’s actions in the upholding of My servants’ tongues –

                                                                                      in service to their fellow man in love,

                                                                                      in worship to their Living God from whom all blessings flow.

The vestibules of God are My buildings where My saints do gather weekly as appointed –

                                                                                                                                   for their hourly drink of milk.”


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