My Scrolls

The Waters of Baptism (7.4.14)

“The waters of baptism have had the example set.

The waters of baptism are attended by The Father,

                                     have the oversight of God.

The waters of baptism usher in the kinship sought of God,

                                     usher in the recognition of the sincerity of intent,

                                     usher in the cognizance of man and God.

The waters of baptism generate and bind the family of God,

                                     generate the sons and the daughters,

                                     generate the reality of a newly found relationship,

                                     generate growth and expectations on firmly held foundations,

                                     generate a closeness born of faith of trust and of truth.

The waters of baptism put the mortal seal of God upon the mortal glove of man,

                                                                                upon the mortal shell of man,

                                                                                upon the eternal temple of My Spirit –

                                                                                upon that which has achieved maturity in the sight of God.

The waters of baptism can be contained where there is much water,

                                                                                sufficient to immerse man in his completeness.

The waters of baptism can be flowing or be still,

                                     can be salty or be fresh,

                                     can be muddy or be clear,

                                     can be warm or be cold,

                                     can be external or internal to the day,

                                     can be dependent on a bucket or a hose,

                                                                       a channel or a ditch,

                                                                       surroundings where there’s ice,

                                                                       surroundings where there’s steam.

The waters of baptism may be filled and be emptied,

                                     may be transported and placed,

                                     may be segregated and stirred.

The waters of baptism are not valid in a cesspool,

                                     are not valid in a whirlpool,

                                     are not valid in a stagnant pool,

                                     are not valid in a receptacle built on a history of evil.

The waters of baptism are made holy by the intent of each heart,

                                     are confirming of that intent in their conforming to selection within the preparation of the angels.

The waters of baptism signify a time when man is signalling to God,

                                                            when man agrees to the redirection of his freewill within his temple –

                                                                                                                        within the counsel of My Spirit –

                                                                                                                        within the will of The Loving God.

The waters of baptism cleanse and change the imprint of the heart,

                                     cleanse and change the intent of the soul,

                                     cleanse and change My temple with the rebirth of man.

The waters of baptism impart appreciation for the might,

                                                                           the majesty,

                                                                           the authority of God.

The waters of baptism express the progression of the spiritual as the secular is harnessed.

The waters of baptism decide and deliver the future functioning of a willing disciple of The Lord.

The waters of baptism reward and embolden –

                                                               the questing after wisdom,

                                                               the questing after a vision,

                                                               the questing as His servant after the taskings of The Lord.

The waters of baptism mark a turning point in life,

                                     mark a milestone of commitment,

                                     mark the point of becoming a confidante of God.

The waters of baptism become a memory of assertion,

                                                  a memory of fulfilment,

                                                  a memory destined for eternity.

The waters of baptism testify as they witness,

                                     speak of truth without an argument,

                                     dispel the giants together with the hangers-on.

The waters of baptism know the shedding of the germs which love an open door now shut,

                                     know the seekers who would pry and poke for an opening afresh,

                                     know the passing of time which often weakens the resolve:

                                                   once strong and forthright as it shone forth from a royal householder of the faith.

The waters of baptism do not need to be revisited,

                                     extend a well-known hand to grace,

                                     supply an honoured constituent of the preparation of My bride.

The waters of baptism,

  the waters of immersion,

  the waters of rebirth,

  the waters of the second birth,

  the waters of consecration,

  the waters of My Spirit:

              such as these meet in the unison of their functioning as described by God –

                                                                                                                           whether ponds,







                                                                                                                       or the streams of life –

                                                                                                the sites where new beginnings are birthed by My Spirit:

                                                                                                                              for the glory of The Father and The Son.”


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