My Scrolls

The Wind of My Spirit (3) (22.2.15)

“The wind rushes back and forth across the earth.

The wind of My Spirit rushes as a mighty wind,

                                     rushes with the power of My Spirit,

                                     rushes in endeavouring to fulfil the challenges of the angels. 

The wind of My Spirit is heard by the angels at the outset of its journey,

                                                                         as it starts its outreach,

                                                                         as it gathers momentum,

                                                                         as it starts its encircling of the earth.

The wind of My Spirit varies in intensity,

                                     neither frightens nor dismays,

                                     returns as a welcome friend,

                                     renews acquaintances developing,

                                     introduces at the first-time calls.

The wind of My Spirit is not a gale which threads a straw through a beam,

                                     is not a force bent on demolishing,

                                     is not a reckoning of dread.

The wind of My Spirit comes to linger with the saints,

                                     comes to linger in the praise and worship,

                                     comes to linger in the presence of much faith,

                                     comes to linger where the atmosphere is welcoming,

                                     comes to shed the covering of grace.

The wind of My Spirit affirms the presence of God,

                                     visits with the angels,

                                     validates the use of gifts,

                                     is drawn by the emphasis on tongues,

                                     rests upon the worshippers,

                                     seeks the sincere of heart of body and of soul,

                                     communes where righteousness prevails.

The wind of My Spirit makes its presence felt,

                                     catches the attention of the humble and the contrite,

                                     visits with the scented aromas of the heavens,

                                     ensures the visited are acknowledgers of the fear of God,

                                     confirms the dwelling grounds of grace.

The wind of My Spirit blesses and distributes,

                                     succours and enlists,

                                     searches and contains,

                                     magnifies and strengthens,

                                     empowers and invests.

The wind of My Spirit enhances the goals of God,

                                     imprints an encounter with God,

                                     confirms an association with God,

                                     places a tick on the checklist of the progress of the soul,

                                     sets in motion the streaming of the spirit with the data of encouragement.

The wind of My Spirit circulates in attendance,

                                     is not captured by a windsock,

                                     is volatile and ephemeral.

The wind of My Spirit loves divine appointments,

                                     loves the prayer-life of the saints,

                                     loves the hearts with gratitude embedded in their testimonies.

The wind of My Spirit rejoices when candour is present,

                                     rejoices at the integrity of the soul,

                                     rejoices when the spirit shepherds the soul unto the cross.

The wind of My Spirit knows the spirit with commitment,

                                     knows the spirit unsullied by the daily input,

                                     knows the spirit where the gifts are firmly on display.

The wind of My Spirit takes note of being welcome,

                                     takes note of the installations of the spirit,

                                     takes note of the presence of infirmities,

                                     takes note of the panic-stricken calling out to God,

                                     takes note of the seekers of relationship with God.

The wind of My Spirit settles and releases,

                                     visits and determines,

                                     monitors and modifies as the feedback so requires.

The wind of My Spirit is not a casual approach,

                                     is not a casual departure,

                                     is a moment of great significance in the three-fold life components of body soul and spirit.

The wind of My Spirit is not fed by imagination,

                                     is not fed by exhausted faith,

                                     is not fed by worn out promises of commitment,

                                     is not fed by flights of fancy.

The wind of My Spirit is fed by the sprouting of the spirit’s spontaneity,

                                               by the sacred seeking of the soul,

                                               by the bespoke rebirth of the body.

The wind of My Spirit is not the plaything of the soul,

                                     is not the castoff of the spirit,

                                     is not the discard of the body.

The wind of My Spirit is a travelling companion of God,

                                     is an enhancer of relationships,

                                     is a confirmer of the faith.

The wind of My Spirit is an attention-getter for man,

                                     is the rewarder of decisiveness,

                                     is the outreach arm of God.”


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