My Scrolls

Girding of The Loins (31.5.15)

“Girding of the loins for action indicates a decision of the soul.

Girding of the loins requires the belt of truth,

                                requires the mantle of discipleship,

                                requires the fellowship of righteousness.

Girding of the loins is not just an ‘on’ and ‘off’,

                                is not just a token of commitment,

                                is not just for the relief of boredom.

Girding of the loins is preparation for a battle,

                                is preparation to join the legions of The Lord,

                                is acknowledgement of a call to arms.

Girding of the loins presents fitness to report,

                                               knowledge of the protocols,

                                               wisdom in the choice of weapons.

Girding of the loins signifies agility in battle,

                                signifies weight is not to be a handicap to movement,

                                signifies the battle will be short and swift. 

Girding of the loins pays attention to the heat expected on the battlefield of God,

                                pays attention to the flames of My Spirit,

                                                        to the falling of the fire of God:

                                                        to the barriers of fire which delineate the forbidden areas of the battlefield,

                                             as presented to dismay the foe,

                                             as presented to the defenders under the sovereignty of God,

                                             as presented in the defeating of intrusions built on vengeance for past battles fought and lost.

Girding of the loins can be intensive and multi-pronged,

                                can be sapping and intimidating of an opposing will,

                                can be frightening causing fleeing from the field of posturing.

Girding of the loins is not a long drawn-out affair,

                                achieves victory without undue delay,

                                does not result in stalemate,

                                does not result in a defeat.

Girding of the loins speaks of God at war –

                                        with those who would deprive His nation of their tribal lands,

                                                         who would encroach on land without entitlement deriving from a victory,

                                                         who would form an alliance of the damned and the damnable to ‘reclaim’ what was never theirs,

                                                                                                                                     what was confirmed in war as lost,

                                                                                              what resulted from an infringement of a treaty without honour.

Girding of the loins starts the process where the spiritual clashes with the physical,

                                                             where the sacred impacts on the secular,

                                                             where the godly interact with the satanic,

                                                             where the holy overcome the profane,
                     where the prayer warriors with expertise and knowledge surpass the pounding weapons of


                                                             where the visual impressions on the battlefield vary in intensity of content –

                                                                                                                       according to the viewpoint of opposing forces.

Girding of the loins blesses and protects,

                                prepares and selects,

                                chases and despatches,

                                rewards and reunites.

Girding of the loins sees My city of Jerusalem swept of contamination,

                                sees My city of Jerusalem peopled by permission within the exodus and influx of My people,

                                sees My city of Jerusalem settled in righteousness with peace.

Girding of the loins signifies the willingness of God.

       For God to uphold His word.

       For God to deliver on His promises.

       For God to repel the invaders from the past.

       For God to destroy those who won’t retreat.

       For God to affirm the inheritance embedded in the land.

       For God again to declare His protection for those forced to flee who are entitled to call the land their own.

       For God,

                   in righteousness and truth,

                             upholds His word throughout eternity,

                             proclaims the covenants as valid and in force:

                                                                                      as from the past,

                                                                                      as to the present,

                                                                                      as for the future –

                                                                                              of all the generations of inheritance who call upon My name.”


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