My Scrolls

Mediation by the spirit of Man (4.12.12)

“The desires of the heart of man and the cravings of the soul of man are at loggerheads for dominance,

                                                                                          are opponents in principle,

                                                     give rise to the many feuds at which the spirit is empowered to mediate.

Mediation by the spirit of man has an important role in the character of man,

                                                                                     in the life of man,

                                                                                     in the destiny of man,

                                                                                     in the presence of My Spirit,

                              in the coming to decisions which will enhance the functioning of the  body with the lightening of the soul.

Mediation by the spirit of man becomes more difficult as the temperature of the body rises,

                                                                                        as the heartbeat quickens,

                                                                                        as the soul retreats to surliness.

Mediation by the spirit of man becomes easier as the body becomes a seesaw,

                                                                           as the heart quiets to a listening stance,

                                                                           as the soul succumbs to adopting a willingness to pause in putting its point of view.

Mediation by the spirit of man is not settled by the two to one,

                                                  is settled by the three in unity:

                                                           to win the day of reckoning by changing the default –

                                                                                                           for betterment and for freedom.

Mediation by the spirit of man can sometimes not be settled promptly,

                                      sometimes needs to wait for an external testimony or two or three or four,

                  sometimes needs the confirmation of some internal values being adopted in order to tip the scales to favour righteousness.

Mediation by the spirit of man can receive the set backs of renewed determination,

                                                                                          of increased resistance,

                                                                                          of ears becoming deaf,

                                                                                          of will becoming stronger,

                                                                                          of demons increasing their activity to win or keep a soul,

                                                                                          of refusal to be seated at the mediation table:

                                                                                                        where waiting tests each day for the longevity of the body.

Mediation by the spirit of man can produce a quick result when it follows a bad experience which still shocks the soul,

                                                                                         where the heart eagerly seeks a change,

                                                                                         where the body is in favour to prevent it happening again.

Mediation by the spirit of man can be frustrating or rewarding,

                                                  can be time consuming or progressing,

                                                  can be stalled or achieving results:

     as the stakes with spikes preventing a conclusion are slowly uplifted from their being retained as hindrances by the soul.

Mediation by the spirit of man is under the governance of the freewill of man,

                            will not be imposed against the will of man,

                            will not be externally subjected to intense acrimony nor to unmitigated joy prior to the exercise of freewill:

                                                          either producing no decision –

                                                                                            so to stay in the default of darkness;

                                                          or producing the decision to welcome change –

                                                                                            so to receive the flooding in of the light.

Mediation by the spirit of man is watched with the utmost interest –

                            by all concerned at the outcome of the pondering of the body soul and spirit:

                                                       deemed as critical by all awaiting either silence or a declaration.”


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