My Scrolls

The Plans for My Scrolls (29.7.14)

“The plans for My scrolls are based upon the emphasis of God.

The plans for My scrolls are detailed in the presence of the angels.

The plans for My scrolls are assembled into My end-time books, 

                                        are for distribution within the seven books of God,

                                        are for the feasting of man in the gamut of his walks within mortality.

The plans for My scrolls are built into the networking capabilities of man,

                                        are already seized,


                                                                  and declared.

The plans for My scrolls are prepared for the progressive walks of man.

The plans for My scrolls are already complete and in effect,

                                        are there for ready access by the multitudes,

                                        are there primed and ready for the explosion of the end-time charter.

The end-time charter drawn from the template for the future,

                                   drawn from beyond the veil of man,

                                   drawn from the kinship of The Son,

                                   drawn as an introduction to the lifting of the veil,

                                   drawn as the cakes of heaven ready to be sampled.

The cakes of heaven are to be sampled by the selecting of seven scrolls declared from each book.

The cakes of heaven are Spirited in their nature,

                                  are baked to perfection,

                                  are submitted for a tasting,

                                  are served with much delight.

The cakes of heaven separate and quantify,

                                  enlighten and invoke,

                                  encourage and declare the works of God.

The cakes of heaven touch the realm of heaven as they greet the realm of man,

                                                            as they greet the souls of man,

                                                            as they greet the spirits of man,

                                                            as they greet the temples of The Lord.

The cakes of heaven are at the forefront of delivery,

                                  have plenty in reserve,

                                  can meet the demand by multiplying where weight is not an issue.

The cakes of heaven are not burnt,

                                  do not bring a grimace,

                                  do not curry favour.

The cakes of heaven stand and will not fall,

                                  last and will not rot,

                                  teach and will not fade away prior to the coming of The Lord.”


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