My Scrolls

Temples of The Testimonies (31.5.15)

“The raising of cathedrals no longer figure strongly within the edifice of God.

The raising of cathedrals are in the past of man,

                                         have upkeeps necessary to maintain their well-being,

                                         are bringing down the edifice of management to a level of necessity to use the beggars’ bowl.

The raising of cathedrals are scheduled to diminish as such witness the end-time growth in temples.

Temples of the testimonies fulfil the heart of God,

                                            see the temple worship spreading across the earth,

                                            experience the temple presentations deserving of My Spirit’s gifts,

                                                                                                      deserving of My Spirit’s presence,

                                                                                                      deserving of much better thought lines of communication.

Temples of the testimonies are not millstones round the necks of man,

                                            are not demanders of all the surplus funds,

                                            are not requiring of a longterm plan to finance that which was so close and dear –

                                                                                              as an inheritance of honouring The Living God from far within the past.

Temples of the testimonies are equipped for tongues,

                                            are in-line for tongues,

                                            should be seekers of the tongues of God.

Temples of the testimonies satisfy the quests for holiness,

                                            separate the profane from the sacred,

                                            create testimonies of all God would have them be.

Temples of the testimonies are moveable and capable,

                                            are transferable with life inclusive,

                                            are updated very quickly with an upload from the streaming digital,

                                                                                                              from the streaming waters of life,

                                                                                                              from the refreshing birthed in the digital oases of God.

Temples of the testimonies are reserved in their entirety as the citizens of My kingdom,

                                            are reserved as repositories of the living water,

                                            are reserved as guides and teachers of the seekers and the passionate,

                                            are reserved as the adoptees into the family of God,

                                            are acknowledgers of their gratitude for grace.

Temples of the testimonies expand the wisdom base of man,

                                            expand the access to the sacred,

                                            expand the ease of accessibility,

                                            expand the levels of worship,

                                            expand the counselling available to man,

                                            expand the gathering points in frequency,

                                            expand the curricula of study.

Temples of the testimonies overcome the arenas of the past,

                                                             the inquisitions of the rack,

                                                             the fallacies in place fought so keenly to defend.

Temples of the testimonies speak to the end-time of the age of the church,

                                            speak to the end-time presence of the temples,

                                            speak of the constructs of holiness within the edifice of God,

                                            speak of the fluency developing within the tongues of heaven,

                                            speak of the fullness of My Spirit within the field of miracles and all the works of God.

Temples of the testimonies cast no shadows of disruption on the lands,

                                            cast no shadows of ill repute upon the lands,

                                            cast no shadows of injustice on the lands,

                                            cast no shadows whether of sin or shame upon the lands of temples.

Temples of the testimonies see the change in attitudes,

                                            see the change to righteousness,

                                            see the change in peaceful co-existence.

Temples of the testimonies are neither seen nor heard by all:

                                            are seen by those whose eyes have the veils removed –

                                                                                                                         so enabled to see the end-time visions;

                                            are heard by those whose ears are fitted out by the removal of the muffles –

                                                                                                                         so enabled to hear the very voice of God.

Temples of the testimonies thrill yet surprise those with the gift of the word of knowledge tuned with the word of wisdom.

Temples of the testimonies have wisdom imparted to the soul –

                                                    as fluency in the tongues of God achieves fast communication in a personal relationship with God.

Temples of the testimonies improve the means of access to the will of God,

                                            improve the rate of preparation of My bride,

                                            improve the sequencing of discovery where the digital will simplify the written.

Temples of the testimonies are seeded by the facilities available for the end-time harvest.”


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