My Scrolls

The Blessing of A Pet (20.5.15)

“The Blessing of a pet is in improving the unselfishness of the soul.

The Blessing of a pet increases caring and concern,

                                                   welfare and the living space,

                                                   feeding and the hygiene,

                                                   health issues with freedom from both parasites and disease.

The Blessing of a pet calls for a diet selected with much care in meeting the needs of the consumer.

The Blessing of a pet calls for a heart of generosity which shelters and protects,

                                                                                   which enhances and enlivens,

                                                                                   which cares for the strengths and weaknesses,

                                                                                                             the beauty and the nature:

                                                                                                                        the attributes which call a pet into a home.

The Blessing of a pet expands patience to the calls,

                                   takes time into a bubble of attention sought and given,

                                   is a two-way street where affection is put upon a throne.

The Blessing of a pet redistributes wealth,

                                   may have success tendered as an offering,

                                   assures a need is met by the attentive,

                                   ensures the frequency of achievement of a goal is met with understanding and a willingness to serve.

The Blessing of a pet can include the necessities: of sharing,

                                                                                              love and fellowship,

                                                                                of tending,

                                                                                              leading and correcting.

The Blessing of a pet brings experiences of wisdom mixed with exasperation,

                                                                  of motives questioned for sincerity,

                                                                  of interruptions gauged only by their nuisance value –

                                                                                                                rather than as the seeking of companionship,

                                                                  of distractions when time is otherwise committed,

                                                                  of rest for but a moment when activity is scheduled,

                                                                  of contentment and satisfaction when all is seen to withdraw at the closure of the day.

The Blessing of a pet brings a ‘No!’ into a conversation in lacking understanding.

The Blessing of a pet should include the right to dwell in harmony in the environment to which it is adopted,

                                   should preclude a royal household from resorting to raised voices,

                                   should not suffer violence at the hands of responsibility,

                                   should neither be ignored nor mistreated thereby creating a blot of shame upon another life.

The Blessing of a pet should not fall into familiarity,

                                               not fall into the trap of complacency,

                                               not become an object being taken for granted.

The Blessing of a pet should be fresh every morning,

                                   should be greeted with excitement,

                                   should be welcomed with the responsibility,

                                   should be made welcome and to feel at home.

The Blessing of a pet should number no less than the fingers on two hands.

The Blessing of a pet should not conjure up a twisted face,

                                   should not instate a threatening posture,

                                   should not instigate the response to flee.

The Blessing of a pet does not depend on weather,

                                   does not depend on seasons.

The Blessing of a pet depends on what worth is attributed to the pet,

                                                 on the level of expectations set,

                                                 on what is taught by treatment,

                                                 on what is taught by love.

The Blessing of a pet should not become a chore of onerousness,

                                   should not become a chore in the breeding of neglect,

                                   should not become a chore where callousness is seen to reign.

The Blessing of a pet should not be silenced by confinement,

                                   should not be restricted in achievement,

                                   should not be destroyed by abandonment.

The Blessing of a pet occurs in an oversight of wonder,

                                                                       of amusement,

                                                                       of intrigue,

                                                                       of learning,

                                                                       of discussion,

                                                                       of honouring –

                                  as the pet learns of the abilities of man,

                                  as man learns of the abilities of the pet –

                                  as both learn together in an environment where symbiosis is alive and well in meeting the needs of both.”


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