My Scrolls

The Blessings of The Earth (2.8.15)

“The blessings of The Earth are rarely fully appreciated by man.

The blessings of The Earth are that the wars of man are contained upon The Earth:

                                                  that man does not have to fight in space;

                                                  that man does not have to venture where he does not want to go.

The blessings of The Earth are that it is self-contained;

                                            are that it is fully equipped to care for all who dwell thereon;

                                            are that man has learnt to back away from that which could destroy The Earth,

                                                                                                              that which could make it uninhabitable,

                                                                                                            that which would imperil all the lifelines available to man.

The blessings of The Earth can be held to ransom from fanatics intent upon self-immolation,

                                                                                 on the grandest of grand scales,

                                                                                 of all which has served mankind in his time upon The Earth.

The blessings of The Earth will not be held to ransom under threat of man’s destruction,

                                                                                       under threat of Satan’s cronies,

                                                                                       under threat forsaking commonsense.

The blessings of The Earth will not succumb to destruction by a few,

                                            will see destruction heaped on the suicidal with the buttons still unpressed,

                                            will see the end of time successfully concluded,

                                            will see The Earth fulfill its line of prophecies and promises,

                                            will see Mercy once again returned unto The Earth with the farewell to Grace.

The blessings of The Earth has all the resources as needed by man,

                                            has all the resources subject to the greed of man,

                                            has all the resources at the manipulation of man,

                                            has all the resources exposed to the trials and tribulations arising from the freewill of man.

The blessings of The Earth will each have their days of accounting from man;

                                                                                     of how they were squandered or withheld,

                                                                                     of how they were passed on untarnished as lines worthy of inheritance.

The blessings of The Earth are not limited just to man,

                                            encompass all the life on Earth.

The blessings of The Earth are the cleanliness of the air freed of smokestacks and of fumes;

                                            are the cleanliness of the freshwater for drinking without straining rivers through the water farms;

                                            are the vitality of the farm lands unimpeded by the salt the floods the dust the mines;

                                            are the hills and valleys impoverished by landslips where the binding roots have been removed;

                                            is the sea of God,

                                                              as named into the seas of man,

                                                                                         where man dumps his garbage and his effluents to choke and stunt;

                                            are the Earth’s resources which have been grabbed without consideration:

                                                                                          for that which has been entrusted for sharing with later generations.

The blessings of The Earth include the presence of the sunlight as it determines night and day,

                                                                    as it determines the ultimate resource of freedom with no landlord on The Earth.

       Foolish is he who sells imagined rights to what is not his to sell.

       Foolish is he who would legislate away an ownership which does not exist.

       Foolish is he who would attempt to monetize the ensurer of all life on Earth.

The blessings of The Earth have been left to deteriorate in the wake of man’s pollution,

                                                                              in the wake of man’s ignoring of his boundaries and the others’ rights,

                                                                 in the wake of man wanting to share the costs of reparation while retaining all the profits.

The blessings of The Earth are not just for the voluble and the quick,

                                            are not just for the intransigent and determined,

                                            are not just for the claimants in the lands of smokestacks.

The blessings of The Earth are for all the children of God,

                                                  for all the spirit family of God,

                                                  for all to enjoy in sharing with honour born of righteousness.

The blessings of The Earth will be apportioned if the leadership of countries are too selfish to limit what they take –

                                                                                                                     to what is equitable and just,

                                                                                                                     to be then priced accordingly by a vendor’s rights.

The blessings of The Earth should see freshwater lakes and seas refilled,

                                            should restore the balance which has been disturbed by blinded eyes unable to see into the future, 

                                            should be restored by those who made the grab which they thought to be free of liabilities.

The blessings of The Earth are tuned with wisdom and with knowledge,

                                            are tuned with foresight and restraint,

                                            are tuned to service both the past,

                                                                                    the present,

                                                                                    and the future with the then needs of man.

The blessings of The Earth have the oversight of God who made such and knows that it is so.”


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