My Scrolls

The Boats of God (2.7.15)

“The boats of God come in many different sizes,

                                         in many different shapes,

                                         in many different reasons for existence.

The boats of God serve within the will of God.

The boats of God move among the disaster spots arising from the earth,

                                                                                                    the sea,

                                                                                                    the sky.

The boats of God search out the lost and the wandering,

                             search out the hesitant and the frightened,

                             search out the unsure and the doubtful,

                             search out the questioning and the reticent,

                             search out those of great value and appeal as known to God.

The boats of God are dedicated to the task of searching,

                             have crews of competence,

                             have crews of experience,

                             have crews not easily defeated,

                             have crews familiar with the difficulties of honing in on the search parameters.

The boats of God approach with very little noise,

                             listen attentively for the seeking of assistance,

                                                         for a murmur of the lips,

                                                         for a whisper to a passing ear,

                                                         for the sobbing of a distraught soul,

                                                         for a captive spirit desperately wanting to escape.

The boats of God are lifeboats without a charter,

                             are lifeboats without luggage charged to ownership,

                             are lifeboats without a common origin,

                             are lifeboats without a mother ship,

                             are lifeboats without a common launching point.

The boats of God are rescuers of the weak and trembling,

                                                 of the flooded and surrounded,

                                                 of the scared and terrified,

                                                 of being in the many categories as loved and sought by God.

The boats of God carry the necessities of life,

                             replace the scarcities of life,

                             revitalise the inadequacies of life,

                             forestall the rationing of life.

The boats of God are rarely turned back,

                             know where they are welcome,

                             have purpose in their journeys.

The boats of God know the no-go areas of disasters wherein they are set to cruise,

                                                                                    wherein there is no sight,

                                                                                    wherein there is a premium on sound.

The boats of God pull on board all those in need of a helping hand:

                                       to stop the cause of shivering,

                                       to stop the pangs of hunger and of thirst,

                                       to challenge the fear of loneliness and the perils of seclusion,

                                       to soften the exposures and to reduce the shock,

                                       to bring the securement of the dwelling places of life within the supporting groups of friendship.

The boats of God can run a shuttle service when demand is focussed on need bred of emergency,

                                                                           on need bred of disaster,

                                               on need bred of the fleeing of a home,

                                                                         the fleeing of a land of turmoil,

                                                                         the fleeing to a place of safety where such is evident and God is to the fore.

The boats of God are filled with volunteers,

                             are filled with hearts of compassion,

                             are filled with sympathy for the situations as they are encountered,

                             are filled with those who know the second commandment of The Lord,

                             are filled with those who go and do.

The boats of God are not upset,

                             are not overturned,

                             do not carry life vests,

                             are not a threat to life.

The boats of God always reach their destinations,

                             are filled with those in need of rescue,

                             are there to hear –

                                                   to attend to –

                                                               the shouts and cries and whimperings of man.

The boats of God carry items not usually found in boats,

                             carry items which surprise the checkers of inventories,

                             carry items most useful in the applications and the venturing,

                             carry items which are of use in rescuing the trapped,

                                                                                              the injured,

                                                                                              and unconscious.

The boats of God gather and assess,

                             are attentive in their monitoring,

                             transport and surrender to another authority.

The boats of God come and go with urgency,

                             come and go under direction,

                             come and go with supervision,

                             come and go in attending the call of man.

The boats of God know the fragility of life,

                             view the fragility of life,

                             reduce the fragility of life.

The boats of God distribute the blessings and the prayers with the healing miracles –

                                                                                                  according to man’s faith in the call to God.”


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