My Scrolls

The Champions of God (8.8.15)

“The champions of God are strangers to the ‘second best’.

The champions of God are established to excel,

                                      are established with multiple goals in time,

                                      are established with a single goal to fulfil eternity with God.

The champions of God are the masters of fulfilling expectations,

                                                               of keeping promises issued with much wisdom,

                                                               of persevering even when all seems to be lost,

                                                               of recovering with the bit between their teeth,

                                                               of finishing the task and still not out of breath.

The champions of God can cycle the body with instructions to restore,

                                      can endeavour to finish with an even greater effort,

                                      can end up at completion even faster than before.

The champions of God put their best foot forward in all they say and do.

The champions of God do not retire excepting for an injury,

                                      do not retire while the task is still in progress,

                                      do not retire unless there is seen to be a greater need for help.

The champions of God do not retreat from a Goliath:

                                      know how to overcome with the Name above all names,

                                                                             with The Blood of Jesus;

                                      know how to mend defences which the enemy has substituted;

                                      know how to heal the afflicted with the gifts at hand;

                                                                                        with the authority endowed,

                                                                                        with the power impressed upon the spirit soul and tongue,

                                                                                        with the knowledge of proclaiming the spoken word of God,

                                                                                        with the wisdom as imparted in the faith requests to God.

The champions of God have a keen and enduring relationship with God,

                                      have testimonies galore arising from their times with God within His fields,

                                      have deep faith in their Living God built upon experience of two-way trust:

                                                                                 in all they have seen and witnessed within and by the works of God.

The champions of God when witnessing speak without the fear of interruptions:

                                    as stories of witnessing the power of God in action holds the hearers spellbound in amazement;

                                                                                                                without the need for exaggeration,

                                                                                                                without the need for embellishment,

                                                                                                                without the need to amplify The Works of God.

The champions of God have the ongoing attention of their God:

                                      know He accompanies on the journeys of His tasks;

                                      know He honours the words of His servants;

                                      know how to behave in public within the will of God;

                                      know God will partner with them in bringing glory to His Name –

                                                                                                                                 so The Son may,

                                                                                                                                                in turn,

                                                                                                                                                   bring glory to The Father.

The champions of God are humble in their nature,

                                      know well the power which they are seen to wield is pursuant to the will of God in action:

                                                                                              as He honours the deeds of His servants as they move in faith.

The champions of God move without recourse other than to the presence of God,

                                      move without recompense excepting for assistance,

                                      move without release until affirmed by God.

The champions of God enjoy the numerous blessings of God,

                                      enjoy the being of God,

                                      enjoy the conversations with God,

                                      enjoy the counsel of My Spirit,

                                      enjoy the pathway through the opened doors,

                                      enjoy the encounters seeking help from their God, enjoy their God’s response.

The champions of God are prepared and informed,

                                      are guided and directed,

                                      are ready and responsive.

The champions of God look for,

                                            to assist,

                                                     those in need who seek to find.

The champions of God listen and determine,

                                      call for pain to be banished below the threshold,

                                      usher in the breaking of the curses from both generations and idolatry,

                                      state the prayer needs of the victims of the foe of man:

                                                                                            in welcoming the intervention of God within a life,

                                                which is now desiring and in need of the inbound blessings from The Loving Living God.

The champions of God offer to top up the giftings of My Spirit,

                                      can set the scene for God to impart the gift of tongues,

                                      can emphasize the need for fluency for when the tongues move with the saints of God:

                                                                                                                                            in leaving empty graves behind.”


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