My Scrolls

The Figments of Man (26.7.15)

“The figments of man by definition are not real.

The figments of man by definition appear to be real.

The figments of man arise from the flights of fancy,

                                           from the imaginings of man,

                                           from the imprinting of the soul which creates a déjà vu.

The figments of man make little sense within the reality of man:

                                   may result from the partial imprinting of distant memories,

                                   may result from the yearning of the heart,

                                   may result from the land of dreams imprinting as a vision recollected.

The figments of man should not be dwelt on with intentness,

                                   should not be dwelt on in an effort to discover meaning,

                                   should not be dwelt on so to attempt to link in to the will of God.

The figments of man are as broken grains of wheat without a message but to serve the broken appetite of man.

The figments of man do not meander back and forth,

                                   do not recycle to and fro,

                                   do not hinder the active works of God.

The figments of man are expressions of misunderstanding,

                                   are expressions of fragments on a random walk,

                                   can be flash backs to a time of childhood which yields no understanding.

The figments of man can attempt to prod a memory,

                                   can attempt to justify a likeness without existence,

                                   can attempt to keep on in the seeking when such should have been dismissed.

The figments of man can bring confusion for an instant,

                                   can bring mischief if prolonged,

                                   can bring embarrassment when assumed as truth.

The figments of man should be treated as a lie trying to distort,

                                                               as a lie leading to disaster,

                                                               as a lie with recognition for what it really is.

The figments of man sometimes never visit,

                                   sometimes come and go,

                                   sometimes vary on a theme which is difficult to place.

The figments of man question the realness of reality,

                                   question the perception of that which seems to be but isn’t,

                                   question the impression of how this can be present in the mind.

The figments of man are the probing of the entry points,

                                   are the the testing of defences,

                                   are the seeking of the weak spots in any hedge of protection.

The figments of man should not be treated as if issuing an invitation,

                                   should not be thought about in an attempt to supply the detail,

                                   should not be talked about thereby giving such a voice.

The figments of man should be dismissed without a second thought,

                                   should be rejected with instant recognition of the origin,

                                   should be discarded before a foothold can be gained.

The figments of man should not be able to break through the bounds of preparation,

                                                                 to encircle the campfire of relaxation,

                                                                 to entice a course of action later to regret.

The figments of man would throw petrol on a spark,

                                   would seek to fan the introduction of desire,

                                   would seek to start an alliance built on shame.

The figments of man are a menace to the well-being of man,

                                   attack within the trivial,

                                   are dismissed very easily,

                                   are dangerous when given the rights to exploration.

The figments of man can turn the ‘topsy’ into ‘turvy’,

                                   can bring mixed-up thinking on morality,

                                   can confuse the guilt with innocence.

The figments of man are as wishbones with which there should not be any play,

                                   are not for the reading of the stars,

                                   are not for the joking of the jesters,

                                   are not from the loving God.

The figments of man have no place within the imaginations of the saints of God.”


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