My Scrolls

The Gentleness of God (3.12.12)

“The gentleness of God should not surprise His bride,

                                       should not surprise the knowledge-filled by God,

                                       should not surprise the wisdom-filled by God.

The gentleness of God is as The Lamb in comforting,

                                     is as The Lion in protecting.

The gentleness of God does not chase and tease,

                                     does not pretend to be fierce,

                                     does not cause to flee the child upon his knee.

The gentleness of God accompanies His love,

                                     accompanies His teachings,

                                     knows the other cheek.

The gentleness of God exhibits great forbearance in His love for man,

                                                                                in His honouring,

                                                                                in His blessing,

                                                                                in His giftings,

                                                                                in His relationship,

                                                                                in His grace,

                                                                                in His approach.

The gentleness of God is forthright and righteous,

                                     is encouraging and praiseworthy,

                                     is trustworthy and consistent.

The gentleness of God is as a summer’s zephyr on a sailing reefer,

                                     is as a lingering of the scent of a summer’s rose upon a nose,

                                     is as a touch of a wafted feather as it drifts among the heather.

The gentleness of God does not disturb a butterfly at rest,

                                     does not shy from a loving request,

                                     does not take flight when among the blest.

The gentleness of God is not frustrated by anxiety,

                                     is not ripped in two by panic,

                                     is not torn by a scream of urgency.

The gentleness of God is linked to His kindness and His patience,

                                                    to His goodness and His caring,

                                                    to His upholding and sustaining:

                                                    to His Fatherhood as The Living God.

The gentleness of God is linked to His foresight and His willingness,

                                                    to His forgiveness and His sacrifice,

                                                    to His serving and His love:

                                                    to His Sonship as The Living God.

The gentleness of God is linked to His bringing and His imparting,

                                                    to His counselling and leading,

                                                    to His arriving and departing:

                                                    to His indwelling the living temples of The Living God.

The gentleness of God is forever linked to The Trinity consolidated;

                                                                 to The Three In Unity of being and expression;

                                                                 to The Godhead of The Living Three In One.”


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