My Scrolls

The Kings of The Kingdom of God (27.11.12)

“The Kingdom of God on The Earth is a happy place to be:

                                                                               is far from discontent,

                                                                                is far from envy and from pride,

                                                                                is far from strife and from malaise.

The Kingdom of God on The Earth greets and welcomes,

                                                                              beds and adorns,

                                                                              feeds and educates.

The Kingdom of God on The Earth tasks and rehabilitates,

                                                                              listens and redeems,

                                                                              speaks and heals.

The Kingdom of God on The Earth awaits the Kingdom’s King of kings.

The kings of The Kingdom of God on The Earth await their coming King,

                                                                                                          await the being of leadership,

                                                                                                          await the certainty of expectancy upon the day,

                                                                                                          await the blooming of The Earth,

                                                                                                          await the onset of mercy,

                                                                                                          await the departure of grace.

The kings of The Kingdom of God on The Earth need to have each reigning house in order,

                                                                                                          need to have their tables ready to be set for angels as their guests,

                                                                                                          need to be prepared for the responsibilities of office,

                                                                                                          need to be ready to accept the courtesies of the day,

                                                                                                                                                                       the courtesies of the night,

                                                                                                          need to dwell in righteousness with the hand of peace.

The kings of The Kingdom of God on The Earth call and visit to determine,

                                                                                                          instate and fulfil with authority,

                                                                                                          discuss and reason under wisdom.

The kings of The Kingdom of God on The Earth rule and reign as co-heirs of their kingdoms,

                                                                                                                                          as imparted with their wisdom,

                                                                                                                                          as bidden by The King,

                                                                                                                                          as plenipotentiaries at large with their kingdoms,

                                                                                                                                                                           at large within The Kingdom,

                                                                                                                                                              at large under the auspices of The Edifice of God.”


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