My Scrolls

The Lion of Judah with The Tree of Life (27.9.14)

“The Lion of Judah grafts the tree of life.

The Lion of Judah places new additions on the stems where they may flower and flourish,

                                                                                      where they may fruit and ripen,

                                                                                      where they may seed and multiply.

The Lion of Judah installs the tiers of the future,

                                           the tiers of fulfilment,

                                           the tiers of the promise,

                                           the tiers of inheritance,

                                           the tiers born of grace,

                                           the tiers awaiting mercy.

The Lion of Judah prunes the unproductive,

                              prunes the dead wood without life,

                              prunes the wayward and the stunted rejecting of their lot.

The Lion of Judah hugs the distressed and dismal,

                              hugs the tiers of tears,

                              hugs the fraught and fearful.

The Lion of Judah encourages the new shoots and sprouts,

                                                  the new leaves and buds,

                                                  the new limbs of strength and of support.

The Lion of Judah inspects the tree of life within the garden of life where flows the river of life.

The Lion of Judah summons the attention of His pride upon the tree of life,

                               summons the vitality of growth and of development,

                               summons the call of reaching to the son light for all within His pride.

The Lion of Judah affirms by the roar issuing from His voice:

                                                         the Ruwa* of His claim upon the land,

                                                         the Ruwa identifying His family,

                                                         the Ruwa of His defeating all His enemies.

The Lion of Judah implants His Ruwa within His pride readied for the tree of life.

The Lion of Judah mounts the rock to roar –

                                                                around which His pride do gather with attention,

                                                                around which His pride do listen,

                                                                around which His pride do hear Him,

                                                                around which He roars in end-time revelation of His dabar.**

The Lion of Judah roars into the sunset of the law,

                               roars into the son rise filled with grace –

              with a new day dawning bringing forth the age both of the pre-emptive love of man for God,

                                                                                           and the love of man for his fellow man as if himself.

The Lion of Judah checks His grafts upon the tree of life,

                               checks all are alive and thriving,

                               checks all are tasked and performing,

                               checks all are imparting truth and righteousness,

                               checks all have flowing the waters of life,

                               checks for the quenching of the thirsts and the setting free.

The Lion of Judah validates the cross,

                               validates the prophetic word,

                               validates the time frame of the law and the time frame bred for grace.

The Lion of Judah protects His land wherein resides the tree of life,

                                                           wherein resides the new Jerusalem,

                                                           wherein resides Zion in her majesty –

                                                                                           as prepared for her sons and daughters.

The Lion of Judah is ready for the sign from The Father:

                                                     to bring the kingdom of heaven in its fullness to be instated on the earth.

The Lion of Judah is to bring the tree of life in The Spirit’s fullness to be instated on the earth.

The Lion of Judah is readied for the task,

                               is readied by way of preparation of those upon the earth,

                               is readied by way of preparation of those within the heavens.

The Lion of Judah has eyes of fire with a mouth which roars,

                               has the stance of command to rule and reign,

                               has fulfilment of a promise awaiting a return.

The Lion of Judah comes with the tree of life to gather all within His pride:

                                                                                              wheresoever they may be dispersed upon the earth.

The Lion of Judah brings the sound of trumpets and Ruwa to the earth.”

Scribal note:

*Ruwa (Hebrew, Strong’s Concordance 8643 teruah,

                7321 rua (ruwa)  – the sound of a lion, announced as Roowaaaah!

** Dabar (Hebrew, Strong’s Concordance

                1696 verb, [phonetic: daw-bar´] to speak, spoke;

                1697 Noun Masculine, [phonetic: daw-baw´] speech, word – spoken word, talk;

                         in Greek ‘rhéma’ – Wikipedia ‘Dabar’, (‘rhema’ – Septuagint usage.)


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