My Scrolls

The Priesthood of Believers (17.2.14)

“The priesthood of believers needs to be exercised with wisdom and with knowledge,

                                                                                  in righteousness and in grace,

                                                                                  by purity of cleansing and of intent. 

To render each body of the flesh fit for habitation by My Spirit;

                    to render each into the temple of My Spirit;

                    to render all the rooms with freshness of intent:

                    to render such fit for habitation by a king;

                    to render such fit for the oversight of The King of kings;

                    to render such in such a way that they glorify My Name,

                                                                  that they glorify The Father.

                    Such that they form The Living Temple in which My Spirit dwells –

                                                                                                      not there to encounter locks upon the doors.

The Living Temple is now the edifice of God;

                                is the sacred in amongst the secular,

                                is the training camp in preparation for eternity,

                                is the encore to that which once was a gathering in stone,

                                is the castle of righteous man destined to become the gown of life,

                                                                                destined to remain the cloaking of the spirit and the soul,

                                                                                destined to continue in the acceptance of God,

                                                                                destined to be the eternal carrier of life.

The priesthood of believers seeks unity in purpose,

                                                       unity in functioning,

                                                       unity in the stances taken before God.

The priesthood of believers is not seen in dispute,

                                             is not seen with paucity of knowledge,

                                             is not seen to be held to ridicule through insufficient wisdom.

The priesthood of believers has seen the curtain rent,

                                             dwells with each now in a temple where a chamber is set apart,

                                             dwells with each wherein The Holy of Holies now abides within the living temple.

The priesthood of believers attends the presence of their God,

                                             communes in silence with their God:

                                             transfers the thoughts of man,

                                             receives the thoughts of God.

The priesthood of believers knows the will of God,

                                             knows the call of God,

                                             knows the love of God,

                                             knows the grace of God;

                                             understands the application of His mercy,

                                             understands the end-time priesthood birthed by water in immersion,

                                             understands the expectations borne by God.

The priesthood of believers has forsaken sin;

                                             shall neither visit nor revisit,

                                                                           outside the realm of wisdom,

                                                         the cesspits of man where accretions build into addiction;

                                                                                         where the armour of God is essential to success;

                                                                                         where the gift of tongues can hold the evil entities at bay;

                                                                                         where My servants may enter:

                                                                                                                     in carrying the light of the world.

The priesthood of believers lives in the fear of God,

                                             lives in the grace of God,

                                             lives in the temple of God.

The priesthood of believers confronts encountered sin:

                                                                           does not condone it by a silence,

                                                                           does not accept it in display,

                                                                           does not accept it on the ears,

                                                                           does not accept it with a touch.

The priesthood of believers carries the Godly servant power of speech,

                                             carries the Godly servant power of healing,

                                             carries the Godly servant power of impartation,

                                             carries the Godly servant anointing of the authority of God,

                                             carries the Godly servant mantle as imparted by God,

                                                                                                  as affirmed to man.

The priesthood of believers changes lives,

                                             changes presences in rooms,

                                             changes outlooks on destinies.

The priesthood of believers is overseen by God,

                                             is upheld by My Spirit,

                                             is the reality of life with God.

The priesthood of believers overcomes the impossibilities of man,

                                             overcomes the power of satanic forces,

                                             overcomes as sin is vanquished in The Name above all names.

The priesthood of believers affirms My church in action,

                                             affirms the moving of My Spirit,

                                             affirms both the grace and the gifts of God.

The priesthood of believers is spreading throughout the earth,

                                             exists in the most unlikely of places,

                                             enhances the lives of man as darkness flees at an awareness of the light.”


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