My Scrolls

The Quivering of Man (10.5.15)

“The quivering of the body,

                          of the shell of man,

                          of the envelope in preparation for eternity –

                                                                                     is a sign,

                                                                                     a blessing,

                                                                                     a confirmation –

                                                 from God to those who choose to walk within His fellowship –

                                     so they may be assured of His companionship throughout their journeys home.

The quivering of man is the presence of My Spirit at times of deep reflection,

                                                                                 at times of the transience of holiness,

                                                                                 at times of close rapport.

The quivering of man is a meeting with God,

                                    is an encounter with My Spirit,

                                    is a reaffirmation of the love of God.

The quivering of man is brief and fills the moment,

                                    surprises yet is welcomed,

                                    is noticed with attention.

The quivering of man can pass unnoticed by the throng,

                                    is personal and intimate,

                                    impresses on the meeting in mortality,

                                    releases in the instant following control.

The quivering of man is as a shiver which passes through the body –

                                                              leaving much for reflection and wonder in its wake.

The quivering of man affects the state of consciousness,

                                    affects the flesh of man,

                                    affects the relationship with God.

The quivering of man is timed for when his hands are empty,

                                                  for when his thoughts are focussed,

                                                  for when the world does not impinge upon his being.

The quivering of man is for his posture as he sits,

                                    is for his posture as he stands.

The quivering of man can vary in intensity.

The quivering of man can very in duration.

The quivering of man can vary in envelopment.

The quivering of man indicates a proximity to holiness.

The quivering of man produces thought profiles on which to ponder.

The quivering of man is in advance of the will of man,

                                    is within the will of God.

The quivering of man is an awareness of relationship,

                                    is a call upon the sensitivity of man.

The quivering of man is not temperature dependent,

                                    is not clothing dependent,

                                    is not surroundings dependent.

The quivering of man is active in the preparation of the bride,

                                                  in the approval of His servants,

                                                  in imparting the assent of God.

The quivering of man denotes a two-way relationship,

                                                 an acknowledgement of man walking in the footfalls of The Lord,

                                                 an encouragement to man to continue on his way.”


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