My Scrolls

The Reality of God (26.5.15)

“The reality of God is discernible and true.

The reality of God is present in the giftings of The Spirit.

The reality of God is witnessed in the vocality of the saints,

                                                   in the vocality of The Spirit’s gift of tongues,

                                                   in the vocality of the utterances emanating from the heavens,

                                                   in the vocality of speaking with the gift of tongues.

The reality of God rejoices in the close contact of communication with man,

                              rejoices in the interpretations bringing understanding,

                              rejoices at the gatherings wherein the tongues are heard.

The reality of God hears the tongues as spoken,

                               understands the heart’s intent,

                               comprehends the messages from a spirit and a soul –

                                                                      as they speak in unity of expression of the spirit’s progress,

                                                                                                                                of the soul’s impressions.

The reality of God can be presented upon the physicality of man,

                               can be witnessed as The Spirit’s fragrance on the nostrils of man,

                               can be felt as the wind of The Spirit on the face of man,

                               can be seen when the anointing of The Spirit’s holiness falls –

                                                                                         on the glove of man wherein man can no longer stand,

                               can be felt within the body of man when the heat of healing flows from the orbit of The Spirit’s fire,

                               can know the vanquishing of pain,

                                               the departing of addictions,

                                               the curing of disease and sickness,

                                               the mending of bones,

                                               the resurfacing of bones,

                                               the relocating of bones –

                                    the miracles of healing intermingled with the signs and wonders.

          Foolish are they who say there is no God.

          Foolish are they who decry what they have never experienced,

                                                                       have never sought,

                                                                       have never been present to acknowledge.

          Foolish are they who have never investigated that which is seen to change a life.

          Foolish are they who fail at the first hurdle in self-delusion –

                                                                               as they casually apportion the tongues of God to the babbling of man.

The reality of God apportions light frequencies of relevance to the light-enabled.

The reality of God speaks in coincidences,

                               speaks in favour,

                               speaks in blessings with participation by the Called –

                                                                                              from within the whole of His creation.

The reality of God should not be denied without a second thought,

                               should not be written off as if of no account,

                               should not be dismissed as if upon a blackboard waiting for erasure at the end-of-class.

The reality of God is witnessed to by the martyrs,

                               is witnessed to by the testimonies of the saints,

                               is witnessed to,

                                               in a time of peril,

                                                              by the visitors to the garden.

The reality of God is stationed to be observed by the wide-awake.

The reality of God deals only with the truth in righteousness.

The reality of God broaches evil for discussion and its future on the earth.”


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