My Scrolls

The Rich and The Wasteful - Edict 12 (21.11.12)

“Edict Twelve from The Heavens unto The Earth.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth shall change their burning of resources,

                                                             shall pass the ending of the time of contamination,

                                                             shall witness a new birth of the energising of the earth as the sun shall feed.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth shall not tap the resources of the earth in selfishness alone,

                                                             shall not tap the resources of the earth without consent,

                                                             shall not tap the resources of the earth with the tap left running.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth have a higher calling,

                                                             have a higher tasking,

                                                             have a higher responsibility to The Edifice of God.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth become the bestowers and the guardians of that entrusted to their care,

                                                                                                              of that beyond their present dispositions,

                                                                                                              of that around the earth.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth will enrich the lives of those they plundered,

                                                                             of those they did not countenance,

                                                                             of those whose opinions mattered not,

                                                                             of those who did not forswear.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth shall change direction,

                                                             shall change their imperatives,

                                                             shall change their outcomes of endeavour.

The rich and the wasteful of the earth shall be productive and fruitful,

                                                             shall be thankful and appreciative,

                                                             shall be of service and of monitoring.

The servicing and the monitoring of the earth is under The Edifice of God.”


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