My Scrolls

The Shadow Life of Man (2.12.12)

“The shadow life of man should be consigned to his past,

                                         should not be with him in the present,

                                         should be forsworn within his future.

The shadow life of man is built upon what he does in private,

                                                            what he sees in private,

                                                            what gratifies his soul when he thinks no-one else can be aware of his activities of shame.

The shadow life of man is known to God in all its scope and kind.

The shadow life of man can be as a burlesque show presented after dark,

                                       can be in the presence of the children and the animals,

                                       can be in the enclosed field of dishonesty –

                                                             where fingers infected from misplaced trust transfer unentitled rewards,

                                       can be in his anathema –

                                                             where his presence may be found lingering behind the bars of man.

The shadow life of man can be creating victims from abhorrent behaviour,

                                       can be spying on his neighbours,

                                       can be as the cheat and the swindler,

                                       can be as the confidence trickster of the day.

The shadow life of man is packed into a suitcase when in the light,

                                       is readied for the privacy of like minded souls,

                                       is showcased for the cameras where identity is secret.

The shadow life of man has his presence as disguised,

                                       has his presence as attracted,

                                       has his presence as addicted,

                                       has his presence as practised,

                                       has his presence as exposed,

                                       has his presence as he comes before the courts of man.

The shadow life of man discounts the possibility of discovery,

                                       believes his precautions are sufficient,

                                       has his safety checks in place,

                                       has reviewed all his lies,

                                       has prepared his perjured testimony,

                                       has uncaringly ticketed himself for hell.

The shadow life of man needs to rid himself of churlishness,

                                                 to begin to greet the sunlight,

                                                 to turn from the darkness into light,

                                                 to forsake his act of self-deception,

                                                 to call it as it is,

                                                 to accept accountability for the outcomes of behaviour rightly placed before the threshold of his

                                                                                      rightly placed before from where the damage did originate,

                                                                                      rightly placed before from where recompense is long past due,

                                                                                      rightly placed before from where grace is sorely needed,

                                                                                      rightly placed before from where a heart is desperately in need of change,

                                                                                      rightly placed before that which God is willing,

                                                                                                                                          is able,

                                                                                                                                  to accept as an uncut stone –

                                                                                                                                 where the beauty is still hidden.

For where the beauty is still hidden only God can pare off all the shame,

                                                                         can cut and polish the gemstone in the rough:

                                                                    to release the glow and joy He knows resides within.”


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