My Scrolls

The Triumphs of Man (6.3.14)

“The triumphs of man can raise thunderclaps in heaven,

                                    can bring celebrations in a home,

                                    can bring rejoicing in the workplace of man.

The triumphs of man can kick-start renewed enthusiasm,

                                   can introduce fresh thought processes,

                                   can validate the decisions of the past,

                                   can enhance the outlook for the future,

                                   can speak of inspiration for a different way of life.

The triumphs of man can be many and varied,

                                   can be the exceeding of the expectations for the day,

                                   can be a surprise sprung in joy upon the unsuspecting,

                                   can be the result of planning and many sleepless nights,

                                   can be the result of honest work which sees effort well rewarded.

The triumphs of man extend across the genders,

                                   extend across the generations,

                                   extend across the young and the mature,

                                   extend across the prowess of man.

The triumphs of man can drain the cup of bitterness,

                                   can fill the cup with blessings,

                                   can farewell the days of hardship,

                                   can seize the day of fortune,

                                   can dismiss the fields of exasperation,

                                   can welcome in the grasslands of the spring the summer and the autumn.

The triumphs of man rarely give recognition to the handiwork of God,

                                   rarely give much credence to the coincidences leading to success,

                                   rarely submit the first fruits of the labouring which ushered in the time of dance.

The triumphs of man can arise as short term bubbles which float away to burst,

                                   can arise as long term support which strengthens with the gaining of experience.

The triumphs of man can sprout from wisdom or from knowledge,

                                   can sprout from trial and error,

                                   can sprout from investment and from prayer,

                                   can sprout from counsel and from application.

The triumphs of man can sprout from the new and from the old,

                                                    from the ‘might be’ and the ‘has been’, 

                                                    from the retrieval of a recent discard,

                                                    from the refreshing of a good night’s sleep.

The triumphs of man are not necessarily the same triumphs as noted by God.

The triumphs of man sometimes are not recognized at all,

                                   sometimes are overlooked in anguish

                                   sometimes appear in unexpected ways,

                                   sometimes bloom without a bugle call summoning attention.

The triumphs of man go unappreciated when blessings remain uncounted,

                                                               when excess hides the precious,

                                                               when variety envelops the special within seclusion,

                                                               when the grain appears amongst the tares,

                                                               when the ordinary masks the spectacular which fails to warrant notice.

The triumphs of man can be as an uncut diamond hiding in a salt cellar,

                                   can be as a blessing disguised from certain eyes which look but do not see,

                                   can be as the ending of a search prior to the completion.

The triumphs of man invigorate and cheer,

                                   uplift and sustain,

                                   encourage and support –

                                                                within the freewill of man.

The triumphs of man as measured by God relate to:

                                                                        the acceptance of The Son,

                                                                        the understanding of the events leading to The Cross,

                                                                        the significance of The Resurrection,

                                                                        the indwelling of the temples,

                                                                        the walk of discipleship within mortality,

                                                                        the welcome home into the family of God.

The triumphs of man echo in the telling,

                                   re-echo in the offspring,

                                   echo afresh in the boasting and the pride –

                                                                                   wherein man has seen to his own reward.

The triumphs of man which light the face of God are carried past the grave,

                                                                                are stored in the greatest of security where intruders are unknown,

                                                                                are ready to enhance the glory due an extended life.

The triumphs of man should include both the secular and the sacred:

                                                                                    where neither is excluded at the expense of the other.”


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