My Scrolls

The Urgency of Man (7.8.15)

“The urgency of man is not the urgency of God.

The urgency of man does apply to his willingness to procrastinate the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man is applied by man to his own self-interest:

                                 is not applied to the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should leave no stone unturned in determining the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should apply his sense of urgency to the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should bend his curiosity to include the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should service and attend to the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should not ignore the things of God applicable to man,

The urgency of man  should be appreciative of the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man is not a frenzy of indecision,

                                 is a calculated assessment of the order due attention,

                                 is the basis of attack upon the outstanding and the due,

                                 is the achieving of the purpose as assigned and cleared.

The urgency of man is not a slap-dash affair prior to a dismissal,

                                 is not an interruption to a chain,

                                 is not a cyclone among the hand-tools which dismantle more than they assemble.

The urgency of man is selected carefully when much is seen to be at stake,

                                                                  when dictates are imposed from outside man’s control,

                                                                  when schedules have ben set which are critical in nature,

                                                                  when appointments have been made which are much to man’s advantage.

The urgency of man is a commitment to belief within a future in mortality,

The urgency of man has assumptions which will be found to be either valid or invalid,

                                 has a perspective only dwelling on the achieving of success,

                                 has a belief that death will not circumvent the plans by termination,

                                 has the likelihood of a surprise which will change the ‘status quo’.

The urgency of man should seek the living water,

                                 should consult the living water at its source,

                                 should treat as serious the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should seek a face-to-face discussion with a man of God.

The urgency of man cannot guess at the outcome,

                                 cannot surmise the information so to be disclosed,

                                 cannot double-think the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man should be paramount in searching for the unknown,

                                                                    in achieving wisdom so the searching is given purpose,

                                                                    in discovering knowledge so the offered may be accepted,

                                                                    in receiving gifts with facilities man never knew existed.

The urgency of man can either assist a way of life;

                                                                     or hinder the walk of man within mortality,

                                 can either cause man to pay attention in readying for the changes;

                                                                     or ignore in brevity and move on to the same as before,

                                 can either lead to appreciation filled with gratitude;

                                              or to remorse at what was so quickly dismissed without an opportunity to shine within a life.

The urgency of man should not be permitted to steal the future of man:

                                                                        to put plugs into his ears,

                                                                                  a mask upon his face and nose,

                                                                                  gloves upon his hands,

                                                                                  a blanket for his mind,

                                                                                  blinkers on his eyes,

                                                                                  a gag upon his mouth.

       For such are the ways of nullifying all that God intended for man to learn:

                                                                                                       by way of preparation in his sojourn in mortality.

The urgency of man does not serve man well when it comes to evaluating the things of God applicable to man.

The urgency of man often has priorities of pleasure and of play,

                                 often is not associated with work or effort deemed menial or judged as unattractive,

                                 often mis-sorts the activities classified as priorities.

The urgency of man should work hand in hand with the things of God applicable to man.”


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