My Scrolls

The Variety in Heaven (29.11.12)

“The variety in Heaven would amaze the biologists of the earth:

              where nothing has become extinct –

                         nothing prior to nor in the time frame of the presence of man on the earth,

                         nothing in preparation for man’s entry to the earth:

                         nothing sacrificed for fuel,

                         nothing sacrificed to value,

                         nothing sacrificed because of beauty.

The variety in Heaven would overpopulate the wild life areas of the earth with life forms beyond the imagining of man,

                                    would overstress the capabilities of support if deposited in the oceans of the earth,

                                    would overstretch the needs of life if installed in fullness upon the earth.

The variety in Heaven cannot be adequately described by the languages of man,

                                    cannot be adequately listed in the myriad variants of styles,

                                                                                                                     of patterning,

                                                                                                                     of colours,

                                                                                                                     of skin types with their surfaces,

                                                                                                                     of size,

                                                                                                                     of voice,

                                                                                                                     of means of moving –

                                   for such as these and more are as a world unto their own –

             where the moguls of biology could only tread in awe with trepidation at all which they would encounter;

                                                                                                                at all which they would think on which they would see;

                                                                                                                at all which they would see on which they would think;

                                                                                                                at all –

                                                                                                                       some of which they would recognize –

                                                                      posing such a challenge sufficient to daunt the very masters of their field:

                                                                                   to classify completely all those unknown to the earth.

The variety in Heaven fascinates the mind of man,

                                    holds his focus with great interest,

                                    speaks of his inexperience with the life forms of creation.

The variety in Heaven has every life form in existence,

                                    has every life form aware of God,

                                    has every life form aware of self.

The variety in Heaven attends in the will of God,

                                                 by the will of God,

                                                 through the will of God,

                                                 for the will of God,

                                                 to the will of God,

                                                 after the will of God,

                                                 before the will of God.

The variety in Heaven has pets galore,

                                    has those with tales to tell,

                                    has those who are able to shake hands in friendship,

                                    has those who are able to wash behind their ears,

                                    has those who have amusement to the fore.

The variety in Heaven all know the trust implicit in the golden principle;

                                    knows all fully understand the trust required by the golden principle;

                                    knows all abide the trust sustained within the golden principle.

           The golden principle of trust is paramount among the variety in Heaven.

           The golden principle of trust enshrines The Doing unto Others among the variety in Heaven.

The variety in Heaven is able to come and go,

                                    is able to stand fast,

                                    is able to request transfers to other climes.

The variety in Heaven is diverse and friendly,

                                    is well mannered and polite,

                                    is secure and safe.

The variety in Heaven all have the power of speech in the companionship of God.


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