My Scrolls

The Vision of My Banner (19.9.14)

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“The vision of My banner is alive and well,

                                           is proclaimed unto the world at large,

                                           is introduced as the banner of My Kingdom.

The vision of My banner fills the spot held vacant for the centuries.

The vision of My banner is instated within the sphere of holiness.

The vision of My banner dismisses the usurpers of identity.

The vision of My banner installs the Authority of God,

                                         installs the Flag of presence,

                                         installs the Standard of the placement of possession.

The vision of My banner displays boldness before a shouted oath,

                                         displays boldness at a screamed obscenity,

                                         displays boldness at the blaspheming of My Spirit.

The vision of My banner overcomes the calls of Satan,

                                         overcomes the knaves of Satan,

                                         overcomes the angels of Satan,

                                         overcomes the hordes of Satan as they target both the weak and the strong.

The vision of My banner leads decision making based on righteousness.

The vision of My banner establishes the earthly presence of the heavenly,

                                         establishes the heavenly presence before the earthly.

The vision of My banner declares as the Colours of the coming King.

The vision of My banner instates the flag of truth,

                                         instates the flag of salvation,

                                         instates the flag of the cross,

                                         instates the flag of the resurrection,

                                         instates the flag of My Spirit,

                                         instates the flag of heavenly divinity,

                                         instates the flag of The Living God.

The vision of My banner is at the gathering points of the saints,

                                         is the emblem of The Faith,

                                         is the declarer of the seats of justice,

                                         is the foundation stone of the coming Kingdoms’s governance,

                                         is the marker of the point of mercy on the wall above the Bema.

The vision of My banner heralds occupation of a temple.

The vision of My banner heralds certainty of an approaching coming upon the earth.

The vision of My banner heralds the onset of the end-time consummation of the Second Advent of The Lord.

The vision of My banner heralds the tribulation about to beset man:

          as he hides within the multitudes convinced that his evil is not tagged,

                                                                     that the Kingdom of the King of kings will not come to rule and reign,

                                                                     that his accountability for past deeds is lost within the multitudes.

The vision of My banner proclaims and decrees the coming King,

                                         is to be upheld by the will of the Father as the Standard of the coming King,

                 is to be portrayed before the face of man in heralding the coming onset of eternity with the tethering of Time.”


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