My Scrolls

Of End-time Prophecy (21.7.16)

“The end-time prophecies of God have been strained through the voices of My prophets:

                                                                                 as they guided and directed with My word,

                                                                                 at their times upon the Earth.

The end-time prophecies of God are now the recipients of attention;

                                                                   the ordering into understanding,

                                                                   the presenting with opinions running wild,

                                                                   the see-sawing back and forth as confusion is spread,

                                                                                                                   as misinterpretation flourishes by the hour,

                                                                                                                   as variants seek publicity,

                                                                                                                   as the word of God is churned,

                                                                                                                   as the complexity generated by man causes its placement
                                                                                                                                                  in the ‘too hard’ basket—

                                                                                                                           where neither wisdom nor meaning is present:

                                                                                                                             so My people don’t prepare.

The end-time prophecies of God were placed in the concepts of the day in which they saw the light,

                                                     were placed in the fields of hope and faith and visions—

                                                                                                                that My people may not perish,

                                                                                                                that My people may be sustained,

                                                                                                                that My people would ponder on what their future holds.

The end-time prophecies of God have been served up to the populace of God—

                                                                 contaminated by the selective emphasis applied—

                                                                                        by those with agendas undeclared,

                                                                                        by those without the ear of God,

                                                                                        by those who walked as lone wolves in a forest:

                                                                                                whose howl called strangers to their side in the monasteries of man.

The end-time prophecies of God serve a distinct and valued purpose,

                                                     will function as intended,

                                                     will be seen to harness the will of God to the freewill of man,

                                                     will lead man along a path where the hand of God is evident;

                                                                                                 where the hand of God is raised unto a season;

                                                                                                 where the hand of God says,

                                                                                                                ‘Stop and Behold’;

                                                                                                 where the onward rush of man is leading him to a destiny:

                                                                                                                which will not be to his liking;

                                                                                                 where the objective of the few is set on misdirection:

                                                                                                                of the would-be flock of God.

The end-time prophecies of God are for the benefit of My people,

                                                     are sacrosanct and sacred,

                                                     are awe-inspiring and formidable:

                                                                                          in all that they propose,

                                                                                          in all that they convey,

                                                                                          in all that they superimpose upon the life of man.

The end-time prophecies of God as applied by man are not necessarily the end-time prophecies of God as applied by God.

     For man is missing information critical to his studying,

                                                        critical to his theses,

                                                        critical to his assumptions and conclusions,

                                                        critical to that for which he lays the responsibility at the feet of God,

                                                        critical in the attribution of words to cling to that for which they were not intended.

The end-time prophecies of God,

                           as called by man,

      include prophecies to do with situations in the days of the prophets:

                               in situations not recorded for which the prophecies remain in perpetuity,

                               in situations which have come and gone,

                               in situations apparent within just two or three generations beyond the life of a prophet,

                               in situations where the textual transmission of My word is split at the will of man—

                                                 into partial sentences,

                                                 into broken paragraphs,

                                                 into broken scenes,

                                                 into broken themes—

        where ‘attractive’ substantive substance is taken at the behest of man,

        to be misapplied to that which fits a plausible end-time situation:

                                                                         for which it was not intended;

                                                                         for which it has been extricated;

                                                                         for which it has been polished and reset—

                 in presentation for a very different age and function from that in which it was submitted to My prophets:

                                                                                                   as a cautionary for events long passed and overlooked in history—

                                                                                so to become invisible as the ‘unrecorded’ outside the time line of My word.

The end-time prophecies of God do not transplant the truth from relevance to the unrelated,

                                                     do not transfer an event across the time pages of man,

                                                     do not alter a correct relationship as presented in the past with intended applicability to the present.

The end-time prophecies of God from a distant past are not numerous in their numbers,

                                                                                    are not intended to invite guesswork,

                                                                                    are not the harbingers of confusion,

                                                                                    are not to be composed of partial mixtures from different times and places,

                                                                                    are not selected by the ‘matchings’ of man where similarities are treated as
                                                                                                                                                      affirmation of relationship:

                                                                                                                                which breeds a conclusion born of error.”


Scribal Note: 

Compare the difference which a new covenant makes— with the temples of the Lord abounding everywhere:

Jeremiah 3:16 

 “Then it shall come to pass, when you are multiplied and increased in the land in those days,” says the Lord, “that they will say no more, ‘The ark of the covenant of the Lord.’ It shall not come to mind, nor shall they remember it, nor shall they visit it, nor shall it be made anymore.

with: Revelation 11:19

Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant[a] was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.

and refer to Revelation 11:19 with the Divine Commentary, His Book 2;

Divine Commentary –

“So the temples of God are opened on completion,

                           are opened after transition,

                           are opened for inspection where there,

                                                   in the place of highest honour,

                                   resides the heart of man—

                  the ark which carried safely home the covenant with God.

So was the excitement of Heaven,

         the celebrations,

         the jubilation at each success,

                     so conveyed to John to be so described to man.”


and also to ‘The Ark of The Covenant’, His Book 7.

NKJV Footnotes:

[a] Revelation 11:19


Scribal Note: New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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