My Scrolls

Sequences in My Garden (10.3.16)

“Sequences in My garden depend upon location.

Sequences in My garden are sorted by intent,

                                         are submitted upon acceptance,

                                         are imposed upon surroundings,

                                         are withdrawn upon completion of either inspection or participation.

Sequences in My garden may be either short or long,

                                         have indefinite extension,

                                         have rewards for concentration,

                                         have selections based on the will of God:

                                                        matched to the interest span of the uniqueness of each individual resident within My garden.

Sequences in My garden are not constrained by time,

                                         involve participation in the present –

                                                              which is different from the experience of time within mortality,

                                         are retained within  the memories of all who see and hear as they come to understand that in which
                                                                                                                                                they dwell.

Sequences in My garden are wonders in progress,

                                         are signs of marvels readied for  assimilation,

                                         are displays prepared for absorption and interaction.

Sequences in My garden are eternal in their nature,

                                         are amazing in complexity,

                                         are thorough in refinement.

Sequences in My garden love to have responses,

                                         are excited by affirmations,

                                         are in agreement with exclamations of delight.

Sequences in My garden do not vie with one another,

                                         do not have hesitations,

                                         do not have collapses of integrity,

                                         do not have seesaws with their ups and downs,

                                         do not have roundabouts which travel round in circles,

                                         do not have ‘Oops!’ which indicate mistakes,

                                         do not have power failures leading to frustrations.

Sequences in My garden sprout from the will of God within the blessing of the residents.

Sequences in My garden are secure in their destiny,

                                         have not been patched together,

                                         have not been assembled with mosaics to the fore,

                                         have not been trimmed to fit,

                                         have not been limited by editing,

                                         have not been excised to fit a file of audio,

                                         have not been shrunken for a time slot set by external influences,

                                         have not been modified to link-in with an explanation,

                                         have not been tied to a particular presentation.

Sequences in My garden are not recursive,

                                         are not disjointed,

                                         are not the subjects of complaint.

Sequences in My garden give rise as if to flights of imagination where realities are intermingled,

                                                                                                       where realities are searchable and verifiable,

                                                                                                       where realities are dependent on missions based on truth,

                                                                                                       where realities are birthed with the fragile and the delicate.

Sequences in My garden bring surprises galore,

                                         can fill an afternoon with stories as if for three months in mortality,

                                         can stretch the vistas before the eyes until the eyes are fully open.

Sequences in My garden leave museums in the dark,

                                        leave zoos not worth a visit on the morrow,

                                        leave funfairs unattended –

                                                             all alone and so forlorn.

Sequences in My garden have floral arrangements not presently visible on The Earth,

                                         have decorators trying out their layouts and their plans with much excited talk,

                                         have the specialists at entertaining who generate mysteries aplenty –

                                                                                          in defying of the senses as attached to evaluations.

Sequences in My garden are endemic on the entering of Heaven,

                                                             on the exploring of the vastness of arrays,

                                                             on discovering the hidden waiting for a search.

Sequences in My garden are there for the interest and the amusement of the residents of My garden,

                                         are there to learn and to mature without the bounds of time knocking on the doors –

                                                                                                     where deadlines are queuing for attention.

Sequences in My garden open portals to a completely different way of life:

                                                                                    one which is the way of God,

                                                        where truth with righteousness and mercy continue there to rule and judge –

                                                                                                  in the new environment for My Bride –

                                                                            there where The Testifiers of The Lord are welcomed,

                                                                                            as they come to dwell within the family of God.”


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