My Scrolls

Snowfields in My Garden (11.4.16)

“Snowfields in My garden have an existence there on which to play and frolic,

                                                                                  on which to traverse at speed,

                                                                                  on which to venture up and down,

                                                                                  on which to skim the tops,

                                                                                  on which to plumb the depths,

                                                                                  on which to be enchanted by the views with enjoyment of the scenes.

Snowfields in My garden are exotic and spectacular,

                                          know no injuries occurring in the falls,

                                          know no difficulties of achieving:

                                                         the targets of the hearts;

                                                         the abilities of the bodies;

                                                         the speed within the reckless;

                                                         the slowness within the cautious;

                                                         the satisfaction of the climber who summits to regard the vista as laid before his eyes.

Snowfields in My garden have no threats:

                                                         either from the avalanche or the crevasse –

                                          have no threats of their intrusion on the pathways set for fun;

                                          have no threats which would threaten or injure life.

Snowfields in My garden have no need of dressing,

                                          have no need of grooming,

                                          have no need to have the presentation improved after inspection,

                                          have no need to have the snow –

                                                                 because of scarcity –

                                                       augmented under the guidance of a supervisor.

Snowfields in My garden have a variety of perceptions,

                                          are not the cause of frostbite from the cold,

                                          are not the sites with sunburn from the rays,

                                          are not a cause of danger to the body soul or spirit.

Snowfields in My garden have all the thrills and spills as expertise is gained,

                                                                                        as familiarity is attained,

                                                                                        as practice so demands,

                                                                                        as the beauty of surroundings so distracts.

Snowfields in My garden are within an easy reach,

                                          require no commitment to an extended journey to the placement,

                                          can be explored at leisure,

                                          can be reached with a decision to make a visit – 

                                                                                or for a longer stay in time.

Snowfields in My garden arise and shine where they are needed:

                                          can be sculptured as required;

                                          can be laid out for the level of expected expertise;

                                          can be monitored for compliance to the settings of experience;

                                                                                                    the settings of convenience;

                                                                                                    the settings for beginners;

                                                                                                    the settings for the mature –

                                                                                                                 all of which are met in deed,

                                                                                                                          in action,

                                                                                                                       and in capability.

Snowfields in My garden will test the abilities of the experts:

                                                                                            in thought;

                                                                                            in perception;

                                                                                            in experience;

                                                                                            in self-control –

                                   as control of the ski field is assumed by the skier which locks the field to the settings of his thoughts –

                                                                              which also control the setting of the obstacles which can bring about a fall.

Snowfields in My garden are popular and enjoyable,

                                          are tailored to demand,

                                          are installed with runs where timing is recorded,

                                          are installed with runs where enjoyment overrides the importance of the time:

                                                  allowing stops to enjoy surroundings,

                                                                           to enjoy companionship,

                                                                           to enjoy the experience of the downhill run with its twists and turns –

                                                                                                as if a graded slalom course set for competition resulting in awards.

Snowfields in My garden have plenty of snow to throw,

                                          have plenty of snow to duck,

                                          have plenty of snow to return from whence it came.

Snowfields in My garden are fun places to discover,

                                          are fun places with which to become familiar,

                                          are fun places with testing accesses not spoilt by the threat of injury or pain.

Snowfields in My garden are enjoyed by the young at heart,

                                          are popular for extended family outings,

                                          are not beset by costs.

Snowfields in My garden can be flat for towing,

                                          can undulate with the ups and downs,

                                          can be slopes galore with varieties in steepness and of length of runs,

                                          can be started from the mountaintops where speed is all important,

                                                                                                       where abilities are stretched in the retaining of control,

                                                                                                       where reaction is the key to a successful run.

Snowfields in My garden are for the enjoyment of My bride,

                                                for the dwellers in My garden,

                                                for those who are expected to reside in the places so prepared.”


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