My Scrolls

The Arrowheads of God (29.3.16)

“The arrowheads of God are the means of sending messages to the hearts of man.

The arrowheads of God accompany the rider on the white horse equipped with his bow.

The arrowheads of God fulfil their destiny in the company of God,

                                       fulfil their destiny with fluency of preparation,

                                       fulfil their destiny with their inheritance assured.

The arrowheads of God are charged with faith and righteousness,

                                       are charged with declarations and the words of prophecy,

                                       are charged with testimonies born from the experiences of attending God.

The arrowheads of God are recycled indefinitely,

                                       are recycled with recuperation,

                                       are recycled with a new target:

                                                      with the message loaded for delivery.

The arrowheads of God are as busy as they want to be,

                                       are used as often as they offer,

                                       are rewarded with the hugs from the targets where delivery is completed.

The arrowheads of God know the impact on the target, 

                                                 the wonder of delivery,

                                                 the surprise at the word of knowledge,

                                                 the attention to the word of wisdom,

                                                 the acceptance and the gratitude for the words of God made known:

                                                 the divine appointment where a life is changed for ever,

                                                                                       where a destiny is averted for the better,

                                                                                       where a testimony develops as the living water is absorbed and
                                                                                                                                                                        the dirt is shed.

The arrowheads of God bring the wisdom of God,

                                       bring the tongues of God,

                                       bring the promises of God.

The arrowheads of God seek to install the foundations of a temple,

                                       seek to ensure man is aware of his choice of destiny,

                                       seek to enable the inheritance of God.

The arrowheads of God bring healing in their flight paths from the throne rooms of God.

The arrowheads of God are steadied on the rock of revelation,

                                       are steadied by the stability of the fletching,

                                       are steadied by the flight path set by the rider on the white horse in the moment of release.

The arrowheads of God fly straight and true,

                                       do not forget their messages,

                                       do not mumble in delivery.

The arrowheads of God do not damage what they strike,

                                       do not embed within an organ,

                                       cause no pain to be experienced by man,

                                       bring pain to the rider when he witnesses the arrow head being brushed aside and left behind:

                                                                                                             without attention to the message of new life.

The arrowheads of God are joyous in assembly,

                                       are joyous in reporting,

                                       are joyous in the horseback ride as gathered for the quiver,

                                       are joyous in fulfilling the taskings of the rider on the white horse of revelation,

                                       are joyous for the target where the message is adopted and a life is changed as to the goal within a new
                                                                                                                                    found destiny.

The arrowheads of God are The Stars of God,

                                       are the populators of Heaven,

                                       are the synchronizers of where the needs of man are married to the solutions of God.

The arrowheads of God are the answers to a prayer uttered in despair;

                                       are the answerers awaiting questions,

                                                             to initiate due diligence with the kings- and queens-in-waiting,

                                                             in bearing an eternal introduction to The Living Loving God.

The arrowheads of God are the multipliers of the harvest,

                                       are the kernels of the outreach of God,

                                       re the blessings of God moving in the disguise of man until the mouth is opened for delivery of
                                                                                                                         the message whereby God reveals Himself.

The arrowheads of God are loved and rewarded as they serve –

                                                                experience the favour of The Lord,

                                                                           the blessings of The Father,

                                                                           the counselling of The Holy Spirit with His gifts in tow:

                                                                                 so bodies of the past may become the temples of the future;

                                                                                 so a journey of wonders and of miracles may commence which has no end;

                                                                                 so adoptions may occur into the family of God;

                                                                                 so knowledge and wisdom may be acquired from God along the pathway
                                                                                                                                                                                leading home.

The arrowheads of God are the miracles of God in action,

                                       are the end-time marvels of the age,

                                       are the master-strokes of The Lord:

                                                                           who moves and lives within the commitment to their faith.”


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