My Scrolls

The Cheerleader of My Garden (19.3.16)

“The cheerleader of My garden is My Spirit in His fullness.

The cheerleader of My garden is significant in His abilities,

                                                  knows the placement which obviates a search,

                                                  knows the specifications both for location and the access,

                                                  knows the introductory details for journeying among the stars,

                                                  knows the being of a presence in the home base which presents.

The cheerleader of My garden is not a sluggard in attention,

                                                  is not the subject of complaints,

                                                  is not the instigator of misdirection.

The cheerleader of My garden answers all the queries with precision and delight,

                                                  rarely has a follow-up requesting further detail,

                                                  never has to update a previous solution.

The cheerleader of My garden is knowledgable and trustworthy,

                                                  will not be misunderstood,

                                                  will not implant an error in directions,

                                                  is well informed on the placements in and of My garden.

The cheerleader of My garden considers all the implications surrounding each request—

                                                                         as examples:

                                                                                    of temperature,

                                                                                    of lighting,

                                                                                    of gravity,

                                                                                    of the source of energy,

                                                                                    of the means of access and return,

                                                                                    of the circumstances of the welcome of the visitor,

                                                                                    of the activation of the senses in tune with the viewing of surroundings—
                                                                                                                                                          with all which is encountered.

The cheerleader of My garden knows all there is to know,

                                                  is not stumped for lack of knowledge,

                                                  is not misled through lack of wisdom for discernment.

The cheerleader of My garden knows how to gather retinues,

                                                 how to place them to the best advantage,

                                                             how to secure for a two-way journey all invited to attend.

The cheerleader of My garden is still the overseer of construction,

                                                            the enrober of My creation as progressive completion is evidenced to all within My garden.

The cheerleader of My garden knows the choristers available,

                                                  knows the music master’s plans,

                                                  knows the festivities to soon be due as the introductions to the ceremonies—

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of welcome,

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of rejoicing,

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of dance,

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of song,

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of music,

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of exaltation,

                                                                                                                                        the ceremonies of praise and worship—

                                                                                                                     which come under the auspices of the edifice of God.

The cheerleader of My garden is My gardener-in-chief,

                                                 is My chief sounding board of intent,

                                                 is My plumb line and My level which holds to the straight and true.

The cheerleader of My garden is honoured for His efforts,

                                                        as measured by results,

                                                        as evidenced by the landscaping,

                                                                                   the seascaping,

                                                                                   the spacescaping wherein all are confirmed to dwell.

The cheerleader of My garden checks that all is well within the heavens and on Earth,

                                                              that all complies with the standards of The Kingdom,

                                                              that all may arise and bless:

     The Holy of Holies which no longer is enclosed;

     The Sanctuary of The Sacred where glory now reposes;

     The Altar of The Lamb where the Ark of The Covenant now resides.

The cheerleader of My garden is at home within My garden of tranquility wherein is the residence of God;

                                                                                                 from where radiates righteousness with peace;

                                                                                                 from where radiates wellbeing with truth;

                                                                                                 from where radiates the eternity of existence:

                                                                                                                          from the presence of The Loving Living God.

The cheerleader of My garden stands upright and upholds—

                                                                               the equilibrium of Creation and of Evolution,

                                                                                the equilibrium of Eternity and of Mortality,

                                                                                the equilibrium of Heaven and of Hell.

The cheerleader of My garden knows these are some of the equilibriums of God;

                                                  knows these are all of the equilibriums of man.”


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