My Scrolls

The Pathway of The Stars of God (17.4.16)

“The pathway of The Stars of God is both signposted and directive.

The pathway of The Stars of God starts as a funnel in a tunnel,

                                                       ends with wide open vistas fit for the kings and queens of God.

The pathway of The Stars of God leads all who tread it home to God,

                                                                                     home to the King of kings,

                                                                                     home to the place prepared,

                                                                                     home to My garden for the family of God.

The pathway of The Stars of God leads into a new beginning with eternity’s open door in front with a banded hand of welcome,

                                                                                                  with mortality behind and buried in the past by the filling of the grave.

The pathway of The Stars of God is as the highway to Heaven which bespeaks a destiny of favour,

                                                       is as a walkway freed from encumbrances,

                                                       is as a sealed footpath on which the pedestrians are welcomed,

                                                       is as a level playing field bereft of steps and ramps,

                                                       is as the displayer of areas of much interest where ups and downs go completely unnoticed
                                                                                                                                                                                         by the feet.

The pathway of The Stars of God is the ‘be all’ and the ‘end-all’ of the achievement of a transfer,

                                                                                                     the achievement of a relocation,

                                                                                                     the achievement of the finality of adoption into an ever-lasting
                                                                                                                        living family,

                                                                                                     the achievement of a goal in fulfilment of commitment,

                                                                                                     the achievement of a new found status within the family of God,

                                                                                                     the achievement of a destiny chosen in freewill,

                                                                                                     the achievement of a goal with the requirement of faith.

The pathway of The Stars of God is confirmation of the finding of the elixir of eternal life which transfer man from his mortality
                                                                                                                           into eternal life within the grace of God,

                                                       is the recipe which restores the borrowed gold of man back into the eternal gold of God,

                                                       is the fulfilment of the recipe of salvation as birthed upon The Cross in death with the renting
                                                                                  of the curtain and as witnessed by the empty tomb with the risen Lord.

The pathway of The Stars of God salutes The Living Loving God in homage and in love.

The pathway of The Stars of God is the way and the means from the stepping-stones in mortality unto the birthplace of the manna
                                                                                                                          for the feeding of My people in the wilderness.

The pathway of The Stars of God has no turnstile with a counter,

                                                       has no means of verification of a right to travel on the pathway,

                                                       has already approved The Stars of God access to their promised places as so prepared and readied.

The pathway of The Stars of God is sacrosanct and holy,

                                                       is polished and well trod,

                                                       is recommended and approved by God.

The pathway of The Stars of God is frequented by the angels as they try to glimpse their charges coming home.

The pathway of The Stars of God leads to the preparations for the coronations where each crown is placed upon a head;

                                                                                                      where a bridal feast prepares within a close proximity,

                                                                                                      where the rewards of persevering are counted as to gain.

The pathway of The Stars of God does not have a reversal of procedures,

                                                                              a reversal of the movement of My people,

                                                                              a reversal of a benediction into a valediction.

The pathway of The Stars of God is a welcome sight to God when the path is fully loaded,

                                                       is a welcome sight to God when The Stars are at their brightest,

                                                       is a welcome sight to God when prior arrivals gather to greet the newcomers within the new
                                                                                                                              found family of God.”


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