My Scrolls

The Superintendency of God (29.5.16)

“The superintendency of God is actioned through My Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.

The superintendency of God is the overseer of God,

                                               is the manager of activity,

                                               is the observer who reports,

                                               is the bearer of the Gifts,

                                               is the healer of the nations,

                                               is the activist at large,

                                               is the dweller in the temples,

                                               is the counsellor of My people,

                                               is the assessor of the thought patterning of man.

The superintendency of God is the conveyor of instructions,

                                               is the measurer of souls,

                                               is the reader of the scales before and after tipping.

The superintendency of God is the surveyor of the particulars of man,

                                               is the composer of the entries for the Lamb’s Book of Life,

                                               is the guardian who commands the scribes who write within the Lamb’s Book of Life

                                                                                                                                           in all its awesome detail,

                                                                                                                                           in all its cross-filed data,

                                                                                                                                           in all its cross-linked reconstructions when
                                                                                                                                                                                requested by a judge.

The superintendency of God goes before in planning,

                                               opens doors that were shut,

                                               closes down the threats to life,

                                               sends the guardians for the valued and the critical.

The superintendency of God records the clandestine among the secrets,

                                               records the actions of the secretive,

                                               records the acts of violence,

                                               records the acts of war,

                                               records the acts within the presence of injustice,

                                               records the acts within relationships as their interaction,

                                               records the activities of man as the testimonies of truth.

The superintendency of God is far reaching and precise,

                                               is accurate and all-encompassing,

                                               is kept until sealed as no longer relevant.

Beware the sealed of God where conflicting testimonies appear to touch.

The superintendency of God prevents clashes on the camera of time,

                                               ensures an ordered sequence,

                                               follows step by step.

The superintendency of God is the archivist of the past,

                                               is the harbinger of the present,

                                               is the script-holder of the future scenes of relevance—

                                                                                              with guests as played upon requests.

The superintendency of God is the overseer of Kings and Queens in governance,

                                                                       of Kings and Queens with edicts,

                                                                       of Kings and Queens among the rules and reigns.

The superintendency of God has no sands running through an hour glass,

                                               has no appointments which are not kept,

                                               has no conversations forgotten or overlooked,

                                               has no promises not destined for fulfilment,

                                               has no secrets birthed in man which remain unknown,

                                               has no protagonists who can maintain dissent,

                                               has no authorities to which the knee is bowed.

The superintendency of God gives confidence of access,

                                               gives confidence of response,

                                               gives confidence of truth.

The superintendency of God was,


                                               and shall be the only worthy God for man.

The superintendency of God was,


                                               and shall be the only good and just God for man.

The superintendency of God was,


                                               and shall be the only living loving God for man.

The superintendency of God is the functionary of The Son,

                                               is the Holy Spirit of the Trinity, 

                                               is the architect instructed with the oversight of the needs of man.

The superintendency of God knows the intimacy of man,

                                               knows the thoughts of man,

                                               knows all which is within the temple of The Spirit:

                                                                              the home of God within the heart of man in his mortality.

The superintendency of God knows the cross of man which killed the Christ of God.

The superintendency of God is present at the birth of the Messiah,

                                               is present at the return of The King of kings,

                                               is present at the closing of His residence within the temples,

                                               is present at the closing of the age of Grace,

                                               is present at the timing for the pleading of the calls for Mercy.

The superintendency of God is active and progressive in the life of man,

                                               is prompting and counselling within the guidance set for man,

                                               is continual and conscientious in His relationship with The Christ of His people,

                                                                                                               The Saviour of The Gentiles,

                                                                                                               The Spirit of The Son.”


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