My Scrolls

The Tin-lizzies of The Skies (23.4.16)

“The tin-lizzies of the skies are the primitive airborne ships of the seas.

The tin-lizzies of the skies are the people movers of the Earth,

                                           are the work horses of the travellers,

                                           are the spreaders of pollution,

                                           are the mixers of the germs and bugs and the end-time viruses of man.

The tin-lizzies of the skies know the points of departure,

                                           know the points of arrival,

                                           know the circling of the Earth.

The tin-lizzies of the skies do not care what they leave behind:

                                                              what once used is left to form a trail,

                                                              what once discarded is not intended for recovery,

                                                              what once done and dumped is not set for retrieval.

The tin-lizzies of the skies fly higher than before,

                                           fly faster than before,

                                           fly larger than before,

                                           fly heavier than before,

                                           fly more powerful than before,

                                           fly more loaded than before.

The tin-lizzies of the skies partner with the spewing of the steel mills of the Earth,

                                           partner with the causes of congestion as they crawl upon the highways,

                                           are the setters of the hothouse for the coming emissions—

                                                                                from all which has been sealed in place by the ice and snow and rock.

The tin-lizzies of the skies are deemed to be acceptable as they plough their furrows in the sky.

The tin-lizzies of the skies crisscross above the sight of man,

                                                            above the hearing of man,

                                                            above the impressions of man,

                                                            above the sanctions of man,

                                                            above the wisdom of man,

                                                            above the common sense of man—

                                                                   as the once stoppered bottle is uncorked to release the contents into the breathing
                                                                                                                                                                          environment of man.

The tin-lizzies of the skies need to be restrained,

                                           need to have the access limited—

                                                      from the frivolous who want to go and stare,

                                           need to give priority to that of economic worth,

                                           need to increase the cost of travel for the multitudes so they choose to stay at home within their
                                                                                                                                lands of birth.

The tin-lizzies of the skies should have their services controlled by governments gifting access,

                                           should have an impost levied on the seating,

                                           should have an impost which ensures the decline in numbers of the touring travellers to
                                                                                                                  the lands of choice.

The tin-lizzies of the skies are as the cigarettes of the mouth:

                                              whereat the wise of government ensure the abstentions from the freewill of man.

The tin-lizzies of the skies need to have their frequency of flights reduced to the bare necessities,

                                            need to have the rivers in the skies cleaned and dredged from the contaminants born of  overuse,

                                            need to have the vapour trails become a rarity to the eyes of man,

                                            need to have the numbers such that build-ups can reduce,

                                                                                      such that heating is reduced,


                                                                                              is reversed,

                                                                                       such that life may continue in its glory on the Earth.

The tin-lizzies of the skies together with the potential cellmates:

                                            are set to incinerate the earth,

                                            are set to destroy the habitat of man,

                                            are set to impair the food chains of the Earth.

The tin-lizzies of the skies are the smokers of the bacon,

                                           are the drip feeders of destruction,

                                           are the slow cookers of man as he waits below for the temperatures to rise.

The tin-lizzies of the skies causes man to shake his head and utter words without effect,

                                                                                          utter words without the intent to stop the stewing of man,

                                                                                          utter words in denial to placate the multitudes,

                                                                                          utter the call for others to fix the mess they have created on
                                                                                                                        the home of man.

The tin-lizzies of the skies require men of resoluteness,

                                           require men of state,

                                           require men who agitate and multiply,

                                           require men who seize the moment prior to the tipping of the scales,

                                           require men of vision who can see the cost of doing nothing,

                                           require men of action who can reverse the laissez–faire with its journey to despair,

                                           require men of determination that the end-time shall not be one of doom,

                                           require men of righteousness to persevere in overcoming the cartels of the skies and of the Earth
                                                                                                            that the changes may be wrought—

                                                       so not to dwell in a bakehouse of the devil where the temperature is slowly rising:

                                                                                             in what can be an inevitable conclusion in the absence of reversal.

The tin-lizzies of the skies should be the setting of a standard of enforcement for a fresh beginning:

                                                                                                                            for an urgent call to arms to fight the residues
                                                                                                                        of a past century–

                                                                                          where foresight was not present and profit prevailed at any cost to man.”


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