My Scrolls

The Tongue(s) of The S(s)pirit

“The tongues of man are spoken by the freewill of man.

         The tongues of the Spirit are spoken by the spirit of man.

The tongues of man are spoken by man to man.

         The tongues of the Spirit are spoken by the Spirit to the spirit.

The tongues of man inform man.

         The tongues of the Spirit inform the spirit.

The tongues of the spirit of man converse with the Spirit on High.

                                                    converse via the Spirit with man;

                                                    converse in the spirit with man;

                                                    converse in the Spirit with God.

The tongues of the spirit of man may converse with the animals;

                                                    may converse with the birds;

                                                    may converse with the elements;

                                                    may converse with demons;

                                                    may converse with Lucifer;

                                                    may converse with angels;

                                                    may converse according to the Will of the Lord.

The tongues of the spirit of man may converse with man in the tongues of man.

The tongues of the spirit of man may converse when the Fire of the Lord burns within the freewill of man,

                                                                                                                                           the heart of man,

                                                                                                                                           the being of man,

                                                                                                                      in a temple of the flesh that is surrendered.

The tongues of the Spirit are given by the Spirit under the direction of the Lord.

                   They are given by the Spirit to fulfill the promise of the Son;

                                                                 to prepare the freewill of man;

                                                                 to disclose the power of God.

The freewill of man accepts the Spirit's tongue—

                                                                     when the freewill of man is subject to the Will of the Lord;

                                                                     when the soul of man is subject to the spirit of man;

                                                                     when the ears of man are opened to the word of the Lord.

The freewill of man knows the Spirit's tongue—

                                                                     when the Spirit so reveals;

                                                                     when called by God to impart His word to man;

                                                                     when the white stallion and the rider dressed in white call all those who love the Lord;

                                                                                                                                                                 after the death of the flesh;

                                                                                                                                                                 as the language of Heaven;

                                                                                                                                                                 through his experience with God.

The tongue of the Spirit relates the praise of the spirit;

                                        relates the worth of the freewill;

                                        relates the state of the soul.

The tongue of the Spirit relates the health of man.

The tongue of the Spirit conveys the thoughts of man.

The tongue of the Spirit ordains the word of the Lord,

                                        speaks the word of the Lord,

                                        acknowledges the word of the Lord,

                                        upholds the word of the Lord.

The tongue of the Spirit is the ecstasy of the Lord;

                                           the servant of the Lord;

                                           the voice of the Lord.

The tongue of the Spirit brings the message of the Lord.

The tongue of the Spirit confesses the sins of man;

                                        verifies the state of man;

                                        reproaches the soul of man;

                                        continues with man;

                                        laughs with man;

                                        cries with man.

The tongue of the Spirit testifies to man,

                                                     of man,

                                               and for man.

The tongue of the spirit—

                                the spirit of man—

                                           commands the attention of the angels 

                                                                             and the courts on high;

                                           develops with man;

                                           matures with man;

                                           lives with man.

The tongue of the spirit will remain with man.”


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