My Scrolls

The Triumvirate of God

“Now the heavens would disclose their presence to all of man.

The heavens would disclose their majesty on high,

                                               the regality of the Son,

                                               the sanctity of the Father,

                                                                  and the repose of the Spirit.

The regality of the Son was decreed by the Father,

                                       was maintained by the Father,

                                       was determined by the Father.

        The regality of the Son comes from the Throne of Grace.

The Son sits on the Throne of Grace.

The Son shall remain on the Throne of Grace.

The Son creates the Temple of the Spirit,

                          the Temple of the Lord,

                          the Temple of Grace.

                          Beautiful is the Temple,

                          welcoming is the Temple,

                          loving is the Temple.

The Son reviews the flesh lives of those who claim to know the Lord.

The Son promotes before the Father all those who know the Lord.

The Father hears the Record of the Spirit and of the Son.

The Father bequeaths to the heirs according to the word,

                                                      according to His Will,

                                                      according to the contents of the Book of Life.

The heirs may then claim their promises,

                may then claim their treasures,

                may then claim their places so reserved.

The Father,

      in the sanctuary of God,

           brought before the thrones all those whom the Son had rejected:

                                                      all those who falsely claimed,

                                                      all those who did not claim,

                                                      all those who would not claim,

                                                      all those who could not claim.


      before the Father on the Throne of White,

          the Book of Life was opened and the Record of the Son was read.


      before the Father on the Throne of White,

          the Record of the Spirit was available to those who asked that it be told.


      before the Father on the Throne of White,

          the record of the angels was there shown.

All those seated on the thrones then made judgement on those not known before the Lord,

                                                                    according to the Records,

                                                                    and to the testimony of man.

   They then were brought before the Father and the presence of the Son.

            The Spirit told the judgement incurred by that flesh life.

            The mercy of the Son was seen in love.

            The judgement of the Father was seen as just.

   The punishment commenced according to the law.

   The fate of those so judged was not spoken of again.

   The fate of those condemned was as written in the word and their names were no longer in the Book of Life.

The Spirit rests within the sanctuary of God.

The Spirit has the seal of God,

                 uses the seal of God,

                 brings the seal of God.

      Be sealed with the seal of the Spirit.

      Be sealed with the seal by the Spirit.

      Be sealed with the seal for the spirit.

The spirit of man requires the seal of the Spirit.

      Do not deny the seal of the Spirit.

      Do not deny the seal of God.

      Do not deny the imprint of Heaven on the freewill of man.

The Spirit has the scroll of the Lord and the scroll of the Father.

The Spirit actions what is written on the scrolls.

Loving and just are what are numbered on the scrolls.

The scrolls written in the heavens,

                   carried by the angels,

                   are actioned on the Earth through the Spirit.

The Son seeks,

 the Father knows,

 the Spirit acts.

Mighty are the Ways of God;

 awe full are the Ways of God;

 regal are the Ways of God.

The Ways of God shall endure.

      The death of the flesh is of man.

      The death of the flesh is of woman.

      The death of the flesh is the inheritance of Lucifer.

           The death of the spirit is the work of Lucifer.

           Let not man's spirit die.

All those who overcome Lucifer in their flesh lives will overcome the death of the flesh.

      For those who overcome,

                                         there is no fear;

       for those who overcome,

                                         there is no punishment;

       for those who overcome,

                                         the heavens await.

                 Overcome the Devil.

                 Overcome the Prince of Darkness.

                 Overcome Beelzebub.

                 Overcome Satan.

                 Overcome the Captor of the souls.

                 Overcome the Antichrist.

                 Overcome Lucifer.

                 Overcome the Fallen One.

      For those who overcome,

                                a crown awaits in the Kingdom of the Lord.

      The freewill of man must be redeemed.

      When the freewill of man receives the Spirit,

                                                knows the Spirit,

                                                dwells with the Spirit then the death of the flesh can cause no harm,

                                                                                      can cause no fear,

                                                                                      can cause no loss.

      Then welcome—

                                the death of the flesh.

      For those who do not seek,

                      who do not find,

                      who do not know—

                                the death of the flesh is to be feared.

Then God surveyed the Earth and disliked much of what He saw;

                                          for many nations built images of God;

                                          put them in high places and worshipped them.

           And the Sovereign God spread out His hand again over all the nations that worshipped those idols,

                               and led them to a place of destruction for they had no place among the families of God.

The nations that loved the Lord grew in numbers and their praises were as incense in the nostrils of the Lord as they prospered.

Angels from Heaven were sent to all corners of the Earth to see the works of men;

                           and men chosen by God communed with angels as the Glory of the Lord filled their hearts.

       Then the Lord God Almighty spoke to the elements: and all those enthroned in the universe were amazed—

                                                                                                                           at the authority displayed before them;

       Those at the footstools of the thrones praised the Lamb of God.

       The angels travelled throughout the Earth carrying the news:

                                        that now before the nations would be displayed the Lamb of God—

                                                                                       so that all mankind may know their Redeemer,

                                                                                                                                        the Messiah of the Jews,

                                                                                                                           sacrificed in love for the peoples of the Earth.

The Lord Sovereign God wept.

       For He knew the fate of the Lamb before He was sent to His chosen people, 

       and He knew that they would kill Him, 

       and He knew that the time was short for the salvation of the nations, 

       and He knew that His vineyard was now being tended by His Son,

               the Chosen One from the beginning who had tended and planted the garden of the Lord.

       Now it came to pass that the Lord wept at the wickedness of the nations,

       for He saw how the hearts of the people had hardened,

                                            and led them to persecute the pure in heart,

                                                                            the anointed of the Lord:

                   those ordained from before the foundations of the Earth—

                                 to minister to the people with the Glory of the Lord.

      So the loved of the Lord sang their praises to the kings of the Earth—

                           and few there were who remained holy before the Lord.

      The Lord regarded His people and His heart was saddened at what He saw;

          for spread before Him was the offerings from idols;

                                       and the stench of the unclean things of the Earth pervaded the realms of Heaven.

      The Sovereign Lord regarded the Earth,

           and saw the iniquity of those He had placed in authority—

                                                    over the peoples of the nations—

           and His heart broke when He saw how the leaders of the nations,

                                                                                        ordained by Him,

                                                   had destroyed the faith of the people—

                                                            by their behaviour before the Lord.



         the Sovereign Lord God, 

           decree that as the heavens and the Earth are My creation—

                                  so shall the peoples,

                                  and the creatures of My creation bow before Me.

           No longer shall I suffer My anointed to be hammered by Lucifer.

           For from this time on I shall lift up My anointed servants,

                        and they shall carry My banner before them—

                        as they go forth across the nations preaching good-will,

                                            peace and love to those who know My name.

           My servants shall speak with fire,

                                            and the wrath of God shall be on their lips,

                                            and the love of God shall be in their hearts.

           And the majesty of God shall be displayed before His creation—

                   so that the peoples of all the Earth shall be aware of the sacrifice of His Son:

                           that those who hear the voice of the Lord may be called the sons and daughters of God.

           My servants shall minister in power and with authority from on high so that the Lord may be glorified.

           And this is how they shall be recognised:

                       they shall come ministering in all the gifts of the Glory of the Risen King;

                       they shall praise and honour the name of the Risen King—

                                                                       the Lamb,

                                                                       the Lord,

                                                                       the Christ,

                                                                       the Saviour to all mankind,

                                                                       the Alpha and the Omega—

                                                                                            and Him alone.

           Mighty shall be their endeavours for in the name of the Risen King they shall cast out demons,

                                                  they shall bless the people,

                                                  they shall heal the sick,

                                                  they shall lay waste the works of Lucifer,

                                                  they shall reveal the word of the Lamb,

                                                     and the Glory of the Lord shall confirm My word in the hearts of men.

           My servants shall humble themselves before the Lord,

                  and they shall have kings kneel before them,

                  and they shall go where the Glory of the Lord will lead them.

           Mighty will be their voices—

                                               as they minister to the nations of the Earth.

       The hand of the Lord shall direct the harvesting of the nations:

                                                   many will hear the voice of the Lord,

                                                   many will see the angels of Heaven,

                                                   many will smell the incense of the Lord.

       And Lucifer screamed at all the nations—

               and turned those anointed by the Lord back to their iniquities—

                                   save a few who were pure in heart before the Lord.

Then the blessed of the Lord danced and rejoiced to the music of Heaven.

     For they were instructed in the things of Heaven—

                                                    and their angels ministered urgently—

                                    as they acquired the knowledge to defeat Lucifer throughout all nations of the Earth.

And those who could see,


 and those who could hear,


      And those who knew the Glory of the Lord:

                          obeyed the voices of the angels as they defeated Lucifer.

      And understanding of the word was conferred upon all those who were pure in heart.

Then the Lord called a prophet to the nations,

                                              from amongst the islands of the seas,

                 so that the word could be spread over all the face of the Earth.

The prophet arose and Lucifer tempted him with many voices that he might subvert the crucifixion of the Lord.

      And the prophet was instructed with the things of Heaven—

                 so that the anointed of the Lord may be blessed as they served throughout the nations—

                 and ministered with the power and authority of the blood-bought Son of the Living God.


       the Lord,

                cause this to be written this day.

                             Change not,

                                   add not,

                                   delete not what the Lord,

                                                             your God,

                                                      has laid before His people.

                             For herein is the pathway to Heaven;

                                    herein lies the way of salvation;

                                    herein is the coming of the Lord.”


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