My Scrolls

The Banner Affirmed as His Will (15.8.08)

“It is My will that this Banner flies over My Domain,

                                                                 My Kingdom,

                                                                 My Estate from this day forth.

This Banner,

 this Flag,

 this Standard,

            denotes gathering points of My people who know Me by name and through My Spirit.

      This Banner shall arise before the Muslim nations of the earth,

                                        not in confrontation but in love and hope and salvation.

      This Banner shall uplift the poor,

                                             the downtrodden and the oppressed.

      This Banner shall go with My servants.

      This Banner shall be in the vanguard of the harvest of the lost.

      This Banner is upheld and protected by the Hosts of Heaven.

      This Banner determines the survival of nations.

      This Banner dispels darkness,

                                       iniquity and famine.

      This Banner provides a hedge of protection around My people.

      This Banner will speak.

      This Banner will see.

      This Banner will hear the cries of those in anguish.

I shall gather My people.

In this,

      My time,

            I shall number My people as they stand before Me.

                  Not one shall be lost,

                  Not one shall go astray,

                  Not one shall be unaccounted for.

            I shall gather My sheep to Me and only My sheep shall I gather.

                  Throughout the earth My servants have laboured,

                  Throughout the earth My Spirit has moved,

                  Throughout the earth the whole of creation has borne witness of Me.

                  Throughout the whole of the heavens that man can see and will see the testimony of Me is true and                                                                                                                                               consistent through all ages.

                  Man is left without excuse.

                  Man is left with wilful disobedience.

                  Man uses up his period of grace.

                  Man will soon be left with judgement.

                  Man will seek mercy before the throne of The Father,

                                                        those whom are not named in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

The Father’s wrath will fall on those not covered by the Blood of the Sacrifice of The Father.

      Their robes will be filthy and their hearts will be black.

      Each will have denied Me and I will deny them before The Father.

            This Banner shall be the last thing they recall.

      For these have ignored My apostles,

            these have ignored My prophets,

            these have ignored My evangelists,

            these have ignored My pastoral ministers,

            these have ignored My teachers,

            these have ignored both My written and spoken Word.

            These have ignored My Spirit even with signs,

                                                                              wonders and miracles.

      These are the lost generation for they have fallen into idolatry,

                                                           they lie and they cheat,

                                                           they plunder and they rob.

                  Even the poor,

                           the widows,

                    and the orphans are not safe from them.


      The Lord,

           will bring to pass all that I have decreed.

                                        All that I require.

                                        All that the prophets have proclaimed.

                                        All that My Word establishes.

For who is man to deny the Sacrifice of The Father?

      Who is man that he can blaspheme and curse God with impunity?

The angels shout in dread and are silenced when the blasphemy of man echoes in heaven.

            All the Hosts of Heaven hear the blasphemy of man.

            All the Hosts of Heaven hear the blasphemy of every soul.

            All the Hosts of Heaven witness the blasphemy of man.

My sheep know Me and they return to My fold before the darkness of the night overtakes.

            Great will be their homecoming.

            Great will be the rejoicing.

            Great will be the joy of The Lord.

Prepare My Bride.

            Let no lamb be blemished.

            Let no lamb be spotted.

            Let no lamb disqualify itself for I will not revisit the Cross.

            Let My Bride be spotless.

            Let My Bride be beautiful.

            Let My Bride be beyond compare when dressed in the garden of My Father.

                      Purify My Bride.

                      Purify My Bride.

                      Purify My Bride.”

The Father says, “Purify the Bride of The Lamb.

                             Purify the Bride of The Lamb.

                             Purify the Bride of The Lamb.”

“And the Holy Spirit announced the Great Amen,” the Heavens say.


      The Father,

           uphold My Son before the nations of the world.

                  I will shake the nations of the world.

                  I will tear down the structures that defile My Son.

                  I will lay waste structures in which iniquity is practised.

                       Do not attend where iniquity is rampant,

                       for I will not suffer the guile of man that breaks My Word.

Where are the men of righteousness who will save their cities?

Where are the men of righteousness who know not to sleep?



Awake to the harvest of My Son!

To all the men of righteousness,

       now is the time to stand your watch.

       Do not be found sleeping on your watch.



                   learn to fast in holiness;

                   learn to pray in strength;

                   learn to act in faith:

                       that My Word shall kindle and ignite the flame within the harvest due My Son.

       I love My Son.

       I love the Comforter.

       I love all the creation of My Son.

       The Word of The Lord stands;

       The Word of The Lord will surely come to be;

       The Word of The Lord remains.

              For I have given My Word and it shall be upheld throughout all eternity.”

 And the Heavenly Hosts are in awe as The Father declares a thunderous “Amen.”


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