My Scrolls

The Banner Prepared (26.12.08)

“The banner of the Kingdom is now to go into the marketplace of man.

The banner of the Kingdom is now to be unfurled.

The banner of the Kingdom is now to confront the beliefs of man.

The banner of the Kingdom is prepared for the heralds.

The banner of the Kingdom will witness as declared.

The banner of the Kingdom will enter the mind of man.

The banner of the Kingdom will murmur to the soul,

                                              will shout to the spirit,

                                              will bring recognition to the eye.

The banner of the Kingdom is to have its history disclosed.

The banner of the Kingdom has origin divine,

                                              has counsel divine,

                                              has guardianship divine.

The banner of the Kingdom has authority divine,

                                              has seals divine,

                                              has approvals divine.

The banner of the Kingdom has ownership divine.

The banner of the Kingdom reaches out,


                                              stipulates a presence.

The banner of the Kingdom enervates a people,

                                              summons those to whom it speaks,

                                              enthuses young and old to continue with a journey.

The banner of the Kingdom stands on the earth pointing to the heavens.

The banner of the Kingdom dances in the wind pointing to the Spirit.

The banner of the Kingdom revels in the radiance pointing to the Son.

The banner of the Kingdom speaks of the presence of great purity.

The banner of the Kingdom speaks of the presence of the meeting of great boundaries.

The banner of the Kingdom speaks of the presence of the great coming of eternity.

The Banner of the Kingdom of God on earth speaks of Jesus –

                                                                                        the Lord of His creation –

                                                                                        the returning King of kings.



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