“The Covenant of The Cross is not a contract for the insecure,
is not a contract with fine print,
is not a contract in need of scrutiny,
is not a contract with the right of transfer,
is not a contract stored within a vault,
is not a contract with an expiry date.
The Covenant of The Cross is written on each heart in blood,
is written in each heart with blood,
is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life –
the diary of atonement –
the diary of The Lamb –
the diary which records each rescue of a soul –
with the tears of man.
The Covenant of The Cross offers what is priceless,
yet has no price attached,
offers what is sought by one and all,
yet is not restricted by selection,
offers what is beyond compare,
yet is subject to comparison,
offers what is tendered for acceptance,
yet freely cleans off the adhering dirt,
offers what came at a great sacrifice,
yet does not count the cost.
The Covenant of The Cross is as no other:
is based upon the living,
is based upon the dead,
is based upon the risen,
is based upon the sinful.
The Covenant of The Cross is built upon the declarations of The Father,
the presence of The Son,
the installing of The Spirit.
The Covenant of The Cross arises from completeness,
arises in completion,
arises for the freewill of man.
The Covenant of The Cross is the love-gift of The Lord,
is the opened barrier at the bottom of the staircase,
is the passport to eternity which everyone may carry,
is as the stall-holder with a blank checklist with Admit One fully stamped,
is the record of what is bound and loosed,
is the ticket of redemption issued in the Name above all names.
The Covenant of The Cross is a painless installation,
is the carrier of a commitment known to God,
is the carrier of a commitment known to man,
is the carrier of substance,
is the carrier of information,
is the carrier of things unseen,
is the carrier of what is,
is the carrier which is modified by the update of the day.
The Covenant of The Cross is circumscribed by the laws of heaven which encapsulate the promises of God.
The Covenant of The Cross is the fulfilment for My people;
is the salvation for all within the sheepfolds:
all who look towards a single shepherd –
who know Him as a lamb,
who know Him as a lion,
who know The Name above all names as it is intended,
who know Him as The Son of God.”
“The Covenant of The Cross is not a contract for the insecure,
is not a contract with fine print,
is not a contract in need of scrutiny,
is not a contract with the right of transfer,
is not a contract stored within a vault,
is not a contract with an expiry date.
The Covenant of The Cross is written on each heart in blood,
is written in each heart with blood,
is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life –
the diary of atonement –
the diary of The Lamb –
the diary which records each rescue of a soul –
with the tears of man.
The Covenant of The Cross offers what is priceless,
yet has no price attached,
offers what is sought by one and all,
yet is not restricted by selection,
offers what is beyond compare,
yet is subject to comparison,
offers what is tendered for acceptance,
yet freely cleans off the adhering dirt,
offers what came at a great sacrifice,
yet does not count the cost.
The Covenant of The Cross is as no other:
is based upon the living,
is based upon the dead,
is based upon the risen,
is based upon the sinful.
The Covenant of The Cross is built upon the declarations of The Father,
the presence of The Son,
the installing of The Spirit.
The Covenant of The Cross arises from completeness,
arises in completion,
arises for the freewill of man.
The Covenant of The Cross is the love-gift of The Lord,
is the opened barrier at the bottom of the staircase,
is the passport to eternity which everyone may carry,
is as the stall-holder with a blank checklist with Admit One fully stamped,
is the record of what is bound and loosed,
is the ticket of redemption issued in the Name above all names.
The Covenant of The Cross is a painless installation,
is the carrier of a commitment known to God,
is the carrier of a commitment known to man,
is the carrier of substance,
is the carrier of information,
is the carrier of things unseen,
is the carrier of what is,
is the carrier which is modified by the update of the day.
The Covenant of The Cross is circumscribed by the laws of heaven which encapsulate the promises of God.
The Covenant of The Cross is the fulfilment for My people;
is the salvation for all within the sheepfolds:
all who look towards a single shepherd –
who know Him as a lamb,
who know Him as a lion,
who know The Name above all names as it is intended,
who know Him as The Son of God.”