My Scrolls

The Visitation of The Earth (19.5.09)

“The visitation of the Earth is not confined to angels,

                                            is not confined to deity,

                                            is not confined to the foes of Heaven and of man.

The visitation of the Earth is as the record stands,

                                           is as the record self-updates,

                                           is as the record speaks of what is soon to be.

The visitation of the Earth has hosted cosmic forces,

                                           has hosted celestial events,

                                           has hosted the rain of stardust from the heavens.

The visitation of the Earth records the imprint of the visitor,

                                           records the destruction of the foe,

                                           records the benefit of the well-wisher.

The visitation of the Earth is never an event of little consequence,

                                           occurs through grand design,

                                           fulfils an enriched destiny through both cause and effect.

The visitation of the Earth is sequestered in the record,

                                           is there to be perceived,

                                           is as a history of the construction of a home.

The visitation of the Earth speaks of building-blocks assembled,

                                                      of materials delivered,

                                                      of items carefully aligned.

The visitation of the Earth speaks of needs foreknown,

                                                      of resources required within the realms of time,

                                                      of deposits built and stored for withdrawal as the need arises.

The visitation of the Earth commenced before time could have a meaning.

The visitation of the Earth curtails when time has no further relevance.

The visitation of the Earth has not yet reached its zenith,

                                           has yet to dress and to display,

                                             as yet is still in preparation.

The visitation of the Earth has yet to witness the changing of dimensions.

The visitation of the Earth has yet to be enhanced to glory.

The visitation of the Earth has yet to witness to the cosmos that is to be unveiled.

The visitation of the Earth does not end with fire,

                                           does not end with calamity and fear,

                                           does not end with the loss of hope.

The visitation of the Earth contains an expounded promise,

                                                         a vista of a destiny that holds the promise of eternity,

                                       the promise from one who has been before and knows the time of His return.

Faithful and true is He.

Mighty are His ways.

For He,


           is as a point of singularity in the deisms and theisms of the Earth.”


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