“Mighty are the ways of God –
mighty in dispensation,
mighty in application,
mighty in restoration.
In the might of God –
with all power,
with all authority –
will the earth be born again.
By the might of God –
in all power,
in all authority –
will the earth be renewed,
made fit,
for the habitation of the King.
Through the might of God –
by all power,
by all authority –
shall the earth be prepared for a change of government.
For the ways of man,
in governance,
are to be set aside.
in distribution,
are to be re-directed.
in social order,
are to be superseded.
in hunger,
are to meet a new criterion –
that none may suffer from an empty mouth.
in war,
will suffer confiscation of his weapons.
in development,
will experience the presence of a lasting peace.
the edifice of man,
is soon to acknowledge the edifice of God.
In that day the ways of man will not prevail against the might of God.
In that day the ways of man will not pre-empt the promises of God.
In that day the edifice of man will yield to the edifice of God.
Then will the foolish continue to ignore the counsel of the wise.
Then will the foolish fight the battles of the misers.
Then will the foolish readily accept a ticket,
with instructions,
for a golden handshake.
Then will the foolish have been garnered by the foe.
Then will the foolish have utterances of despair.
Then will the foolish face up,
be called,
settled in,
to the destiny of their ilk.
Then will the wise be found within the edifice of God.
Then will the wise be called in supervision.
Then will the wise have their inheritance made known.
Then will the wise have their faith turned into knowledge.
Then will the wise be welcomed at the Altar of Sacrifice.
Then will the wise see the significance of their gowns of life.
Then will the earth be dressed as at the end of time.
Then will the earth receive her glory entrained since the beginning.
Then will the earth be circumscribed by the beauty of The Spirit.
Then will the earth be replenished as a garden.
Then will the earth become a stepping-stone of exploration,
of wonder,
of delight.
Then will the time sphere of man no longer hold him prisoner to the grave.
Then will the earth be free to launch and to recover journeys to the magnitudes of God.
Then will the earth pass into her fullness beyond the realm of time in handclasps with the heavens.
For man has always been at the forefront of God’s care.
Man has always been as a favoured child of God.
Man has always received the encouragement of God.
Man should hold in a sacred memory the promises of God.
Man should await with eagerness the fulfilment of the promises of God.
Man should set his faith in preparation for the promises of God.
Man should structure all his ways to qualify for the promises of God.
Man should determine the intentions of his heart align with the promises of God.
in his wisdom,
should acquire a relationship with God that confirms the relevancy of a claim upon the promises of God.”
“Mighty are the ways of God –
mighty in dispensation,
mighty in application,
mighty in restoration.
In the might of God –
with all power,
with all authority –
will the earth be born again.
By the might of God –
in all power,
in all authority –
will the earth be renewed,
made fit,
for the habitation of the King.
Through the might of God –
by all power,
by all authority –
shall the earth be prepared for a change of government.
For the ways of man,
in governance,
are to be set aside.
For the ways of man,
in distribution,
are to be re-directed.
For the ways of man,
in social order,
are to be superseded.
For the ways of man,
in hunger,
are to meet a new criterion –
that none may suffer from an empty mouth.
For the ways of man,
in war,
will suffer confiscation of his weapons.
For the ways of man,
in development,
will experience the presence of a lasting peace.
For the ways of man,
the edifice of man,
is soon to acknowledge the edifice of God.
In that day the ways of man will not prevail against the might of God.
In that day the ways of man will not pre-empt the promises of God.
In that day the edifice of man will yield to the edifice of God.
Then will the foolish continue to ignore the counsel of the wise.
Then will the foolish fight the battles of the misers.
Then will the foolish readily accept a ticket,
with instructions,
for a golden handshake.
Then will the foolish have been garnered by the foe.
Then will the foolish have utterances of despair.
Then will the foolish face up,
be called,
settled in,
to the destiny of their ilk.
Then will the wise be found within the edifice of God.
Then will the wise be called in supervision.
Then will the wise have their inheritance made known.
Then will the wise have their faith turned into knowledge.
Then will the wise be welcomed at the Altar of Sacrifice.
Then will the wise see the significance of their gowns of life.
Then will the earth be dressed as at the end of time.
Then will the earth receive her glory entrained since the beginning.
Then will the earth be circumscribed by the beauty of The Spirit.
Then will the earth be replenished as a garden.
Then will the earth become a stepping-stone of exploration,
of wonder,
of delight.
Then will the time sphere of man no longer hold him prisoner to the grave.
Then will the earth be free to launch and to recover journeys to the magnitudes of God.
Then will the earth pass into her fullness beyond the realm of time in handclasps with the heavens.
For man has always been at the forefront of God’s care.
Man has always been as a favoured child of God.
Man has always received the encouragement of God.
Man should hold in a sacred memory the promises of God.
Man should await with eagerness the fulfilment of the promises of God.
Man should set his faith in preparation for the promises of God.
Man should structure all his ways to qualify for the promises of God.
Man should determine the intentions of his heart align with the promises of God.
in his wisdom,
should acquire a relationship with God that confirms the relevancy of a claim upon the promises of God.”