My Scrolls

The Acts of God (9.7.10)

“The days of wonder are about to beset the earth. 

The days of wonder are about to be before the eyes of man, 

                                                          before the coming of the Kingdom, 

                                                          before the fall of thrones.

The days of wonder will surpass all that has been before, 

                                 will deliver all that is in store, 

                                 will precede the mighty roar.

The days of wonder visit with The Holy Spirit, 

                                 visit with the grace of God, 

                                 visit with the template for the future.

The template for the future outlines the end of time, 

                                            prepares for the end of time, 



                                            introduces the end of time.

The template for the future is the way of life foretold, 

                                            is the way of life expected by the wise, 

                                            is the way of life denied by the non-belief of the fool.

The template for the future is not an illusion of delusion, 

                                            is not a mirage within a desert, 

                                            is not a non-event that will not be encountered.

The template for the future is very carefully planned, 

                                            is very well resourced, 

                                            is very closely related to a new day.

The template for the future seconds the acts of God.

The acts of God will be noticed by man. 

The acts of God are to be noticed by man. 

The acts of God proclaim His existence to man, 

                           warn of His wrath to come, 

                           warn of the departure of His grace.

The acts of God will no longer dwindle in the memory of man. 

The acts of God will be at the forefront of discussion. 

The acts of God will be the news of headlines, 

                                      the news of happenings, 

                                      the news of what cannot be: 

                                                                but is.

The acts of God will occur according to His will, 

                                            according to His placement, 

                                            according to where the faith of man is at its sprouting seed.

The acts of God will not easily be abated, 

                           will not easily be explained, 

                           will not easily be allocated to another cause.

The acts of God come with a call for preparation, 

                                             a call for trepidation, 

                                             a call for the fear of God. 

The acts of God will lead to the bended knee of man, 

                                              the prostrate form of man, 

                                              the insult uttering of the faithless prayer.

The acts of God will vanquish the agnostic from the face of the earth, 

                           will cause all to decide the purpose for their being, 

                           will bring man either to an altar of repentance or to the pleasure pots of sin.”


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